Please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net if you have any input for these updates.The image of coreopsis comes from ohioprarienurseries.com.
Our regular meetings normally start at 6:30PM the first Tuesday of every month at the South Euclid Community Center, 1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle). We attended the Cleveland Metroparks- 2020 Emerald Necklace Centennial Plan presentation on Tuesday, May 3 at the North Chagrin Nature Center where the focus of the discussion was on the creek reservation.
FOEC participates in Green Dream

A thank you goes out to all who helped at the FOEC table and rain barrel exhibit at the Green Dream event in April at the Beachwood Community Center.
The image of the purple coneflower - a good native choice for Ohio landscapes - comes from The Wild Ones. Coneflowers attract butterflies and birds.
News to note
Please see Frank Skala for details on the following.
- Tuesday, June 7 meeting covers the topic of gas well drilling and is to include us seeing portions of the film Gasland with a follow up discussion led by environmental attorney and FOEC member Ken Messinger-Rapport.
- Tuesday, July 5 at 6PM is our FOEC picnic. Details to be announced shortly.
- Wednesday, August 24 at 6PM is an outing with the Sierra Club.
- Nominations for FOEC officers and board members are currently being accepted.
- Stay tuned for details on FOEC Youth Corps activities.
Consider native flowers and plants
Now that is it May, April showers bring May flowers can come to mind.. Here are some natives to consider for flowers in our own landscapes, per Native Plants of Ohio.
* full sun - coreopsis, coneflower, aster
* full or partial sun - black-eyed susan
* shade or full/partial sun - wild columbine
Here are Ohio habitats and native choices for each habitat.
* prairies - coneflower, goldenrod
* forest - Chrismas fern, cinnamon ferm, lady fern, spicebush, wild ginger
* wetland - goldenrod, sensitive fern
* disturbed - black-eyed susan, coreopsis
Burning River Fest 2011
Lauren Boveington, Marketing Assistant, Great Lakes Brewing Company has brought this event to our attention. She states -
Every summer, people from all over the Great Lakes region raise a pint at the Burning River Fest to salute the “watershed moment” that raised a new level of eco-consciousness—the 1969 burning of the Cuyahoga River. With a projected attendance of 8,000, the 2011 event will feature live music, fresh food from local farms and eateries, educational environmental exhibits and a special appearance by Great Lakes Brewing Company’s Christmas Ale!
The Burning River Foundation, created by the founders of GLBC, is a non-profit organization whose purpose through grants, donations and community involvement is to provide extensive education and resources for preserving the following for the waterway:
· ecological conservation
· environmental protection
· scientific exploration
· historic preservation
This year, we are giving non-profits the opportunity to be involved and raise money for their organization. If Friends of Euclid Creek is willing to promote BRF on its website, e-mail lists and social media outlets, BRF will give you an online code to use for online ticket sales. For every ticket sold, BRF will give back $1 to the organization (Presale tickets are $8 and general admission after presale is $10).
For more information please contact -
Lauren Boveington
Marketing Assistant
Great Lakes Brewing Company
2516 Market Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Burning River Fest 2011
Good Cheer. Good Cause. Good Beer.
July 23-24, 2011
Steering Committee meeting minutes
Youth Corps
FOEC could work with Claire on increasing youth participation on projects. We could talk to science teachers and superintendents. Fran will go through the membership list to see who could have interest in supporting these projects. Frank will do a related email blast.
June Meeting
Ken will lead the discussion after a viewing of Gasland.
June 18 Outing
Ginny provided details on the Cuyahoga River event. She will follow up with an email.
Future Meetings
A member of the Department of Economic Development could speak at a future meeting about brownfields in the Euclid Creek watershed. We could discuss updates on Oakwood at a future meeting.
July Meeting
Summer picnic and potluck will be our July meeting. We agreed we liked the pizza at the last picnics.
Upcoming Voting
We discussed voting for officers and steering committee members at future meetings. Larry will follow up.
Computer and Insurance
Rick provided Ken with an invoice for the software upgrade. We agreed to donate the unused software package to the holiday meeting raffle. Jeanette updated on insurance with State Farm. Ken will get additional quotes.
Sierra Club
August 24 we are invited to join the Goodtime III cruise with the Sierra Club of NE Ohio.
We are to work with Steve Love on these projects.

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