Save the first Tuesday of every month
Our regular meetings normally start at 6:30PM at the South Euclid Community Center, 1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle). Meetings are free and open to the public. Thank you to Claire Posius for speaking at our April meeting and Ginny Aveni for being facilitator. For details on our May meeting, please contact jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net.
Cleveland Metroparks- 2020 Emerald Necklace Centennial Plan
- Tuesday, May 3, North Chagrin Nature Center, North Chagrin Reservation, Mayfield Village – 6:30pm-8:30pm
- 2020 Emerald Necklace Centennial Plan - 2nd Round of Public Meetings
- Presentation and discussion to focus on Creek Reservation, North Chagrin & South Chagrin Reservations
Please join the Euclid Creek Watershed Program Project Partners as we celebrate the removal of the Euclid Creek East Branch Dam. The event will be held on Thursday, April 21, from 5:00-7:00pm at the Cleveland Metroparks Euclid Creek Reservation at the Upper Highland Reserved Picnic Area.
This public meeting and tour celebrates the removal of the Euclid Creek East Branch Dam, theculmination of six years of work. Several speakers will briefly discuss the fish passage and stream restoration project, followed by a short hike to the overlook of the former dam site.
Meet the project partners and funders pivotal in making this project happen and learn why a dam removal project is important to Euclid Creek. For more information, call or email Euclid Creek Watershed Coordinator Claire Posius at 216-524-6580 x16 or cposius@cuyahogaswcd.org.

Highland Heights green task force
Contact Judy Dearden at hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com or see http://www.highlandhtsgreen.com/ for more information.
Oakwood Park update
Green Dream is coming
April 15, 2011 1-7pm Beachwood Community Center 23235 Fairmount Blvd. Beachwood, Ohio google map

April may be a good time to get your rain barrel out of storage or set one up for the first time.It could be a good time to apply the first treatment of lawn fertilizer.
Black-eyed susan is a good native choice for semi-shade
For sunny or partially sunny locations, these are naturally found in dry fields, roadsides, open woods, and waste places. They flower June to September (from Native Plants of Ohio).

Rain Barrel Workshop & Sale
Euclid Saturday, April 30 10:00am-11:30am
Historical Society Registration required by April 21st, 2011
Click here for flier
Contact Claire Posius to register and for details - 216-524-6580x16
Euclid Creek Invasive Plant Pull Event & FOEC Bioswale Service Day
Saturday, May 14 10:00am—noon Wildwood State Park , Cleveland Volunteers are needed to help remove invasive garlic mustard. Contact Claire Posius , cposius@cuyahogaswcd.org or 216-524-6580 x16 for more info. Join us at 9:00am in main parking lot by Marina to learn about the Bioswale and help with weeding and trash removal in the landscaped median.

Euclid Creek Stream Cleanup Event & FOEC Bioswale Service Day
Saturday, September 10 10:00am–noon Wildwood State Park , Cleveland Volunteers needed!! Contact Claire Posius, cposius@cuyahogaswcd.org or 216-524-6580 x16 for more info. Join us at 9:00am in main parking lot by Marina to learn about the Bioswale and help with weeding and trash removal in the landscaped median.

Recycling discussed at Highland Heights group meeting
http://www.highlandhtsgreen.com/ gives more details about the meeting that included Jeff Riebe, a naturalist, who noted that recycling benefits include having a cleaner earth, conserving wildlife and natural resources, creating jobs, and reducing pollution.
He continued with a list from the National Parks Services that indicated the number of years it would take items to degrade. Some of the items he mentioned include:
- plastic bag = 10-12 years to degrade
- a foam cup = 50 years to degrade
- disposable diapers = 10-20 years to degrade
- fishing lines = 600 years to degrade
- plastic bottles = 450 years to degrade
- plastic from a 6-pack = 100 years to degrade
The image comes for http://www.cuyahogaswcd.org. As explained at
http://http//www.cuyahogaswcd.org/EuclidCreekFiles/EC_EastBranchDamRemoval.htm - the Euclid Creek East Branch Dam is located in the Euclid Creek Watershed.

The dam is located near the confluence of the East Branch and the Euclid Creek main stem in the Euclid Creek Metropark Reservation.
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