Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 2010 update


If you have any input for these updates, please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net.

This issue covers:
* Thanks for the wonderful holiday party
* See you in 2011

The images are from our photo contest.

Thank you for a wonderful holiday party
It was a wonderful end to a wonderful year. Thank you to Barb Pophal and all others who made the holiday party such a success.

Save the first Tuesday of January
Our regular meetings start at 6:30 at the South Euclid Community Center, 1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle). Meetings are free and open to the public. The January 4 meeting is to cover:
* Watershed Planning Guide update from Claire Posius
* Food, Inc. film about health and water quality effects of industrial agriculture
* Oakwood golfcourse update by Fran Mench

The image “http://lh4.ggpht.com/_PtEYQ0RH1NQ/TNb-UPpxs0I/AAAAAAAAAPY/uXGMX0WAyXQ/s128/peter%20shenk%202.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “http://lh3.ggpht.com/_PtEYQ0RH1NQ/TNb7vDwgXQI/AAAAAAAAAO8/QrPQlF__ZPQ/s128/brendanryanmoth.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
The images are from our photo contest.

For more images, please see:
The image “http://lh4.ggpht.com/_PtEYQ0RH1NQ/TJq5Ik6Hd_I/AAAAAAAAAD0/b16nugBh-10/s128/P1060289.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “http://lh6.ggpht.com/_PtEYQ0RH1NQ/TNWUqxsZ6DI/AAAAAAAAALY/YoLyT9CuSn0/s128/ElizabethJacobDontLookBack.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

This is a photo from last year's holiday party. Previous President Fran Hogg is in the center.
The image “http://thumbp2.mail.mud.yahoo.com/tn?sid=1181524139&mid=ALfPjkQAAPMsSxmlkQ5Wi2aqJ4w&midoffset=1_19283&partid=2&f=819&fid=foec” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

A link to an article about the Euclid Creek watershed conservation easement in Highland Heights and update on gas well drilling is at:

Highland Heights Green Task Force forming

For more information please contact jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net or FOEC member Judy Dearden.

Judy is organizing the first meeting of the Highland Heights Green Task Force scheduled for Thursday, January 13, 2011, 7-9 PM at the Mayfield Library meeting room. We will use this meeting to introduce ourselves and to go over our interests, the agenda for programs and projects, and of course, discuss our goals for the task force.

Please feel free to invite anyone you may know who expresses an interest!

Thank you for your Chinese and silent auction prize donations

Thank you to Mary K. Evans for organizing the Chinese and silent auction prize donations.

Master List for FOEC Silent Auction 12-7-2010

Cleveland MetroPark Golf Foursome
o Description: Tee fees for four people
o Donor: Cleveland MetroParks
o Winner: Rich Hogg

Time for Breakfast
o Description: Presto Cool Touch Electric Griddle
o Donor: Barb Pophal
o Winner: Mary Martin

“An Elegant Holiday”
o Description: Waterford Holiday Heirloom Cypress Elegance Table Tree
o Donor: Georgine Welo, Mayor of South Euclid
o Winner: Mary K. Evans

“Enjoy the Garden”
o Description: One-Year Cleveland Botanical Garden Family Membership
o Donor: Cleveland Botanical Garden
o Winner: Ken Messinger-Rapport

“Play at Playhouse Square”
o Description: $50.00 Gift Card to Playhouse Square (good for 3 years)
o Donors: Gary and Theresa Bloom
o Winner: Mayor Georgine Welo

“Host a Roast”
o Description: Showtime Pro Rotisserie and BBQ
BBQ Gloves
12 Elastic Chicken Ties
Vinyl Indoor/Outdoor Cover
Chicken and Turkey Instructions
Flavor Injector and Instructions
Round Rib Basket with 8 piece Hooks Set
o Donor: Lillian Houser
o Winner Mary Martin

“Detail Your Chariot”
o Description: Sherwin-Williams Racing Auto Detail Bag
Pro detailer with Interchangeable Brushes
Lighted Pen Pick-Up Tool
3M Performance Car Wax
Shop Towel Hand Wipes
Shop Towel Roll
NASCAR Safety Glasses
3M Detail Cloth
Red Diamond Abrasives Tee Shirt
Sherwin-Williams Sweatshirt
Sherwin-Williams Pullover Jacket
o Donor: Larry McFadden
o Winner: Larry McFadden

“Invite Your Feathered Friends to the Neighborhood”
o Description: Birdhouse from Backyard Nature Company
o Bought at: Backyard Nature Co at 830 SOM Center Rd, Mayfield , OH 44143 ...440/442-1267
o Donors: Ken and Barbara Messinger-Rapport
o Winner: Steve Albro

“Garden in Style”
• Description: Garden Kneeling Bench
• Donor: Virginia Aveni
• Winner: Paulette Peluso

Chinese Raffle Items

Four Cleveland MetroParks Zoo Passes
Donor: Cleveland MetroParks
Winner: Theresa Bloom

Silver Eagle (one ounce silver coin)
Donors: Rick and Jeanette Evans
Winner: Ron Peura
Muirfield Holiday Ornament Design China Plate
Donors: Rick and Jeanette Evans
Winner: Mary Martin

Bottle of Semisweet Grand River Rouge Chalet Debonné Wine and $25.00 Trader Joe’s gift certificate
Winner: Mayor Georgine Welo

Club Champ Golfer’s Putter Pool Game
Winner: Mary Martin

#1 Package: Free Wing Party for Six
Donor: Buffalo Wild Wings
5433 Mayfield Road
Lyndhurst, OH 44124-2933
440/ 605-9464
Obtained by: Stephen and Joan Albro
Winner: Mary Martin

#2 Package: Free Wing Party for Six
Donor: Buffalo Wild Wings
5433 Mayfield Road
Lyndhurst, OH 44124-2933
440/ 605-9464
Obtained by: Stephen and Joan Albro
Winner: Gary Bloom

Three large Poinsettia Plants
Donor: Fran Hogg
Note: Fran Hogg also donated smaller poinsettia plants for each table
Winners: Anna Julnes
Barb Pophal
Paulette Peluso

Wild Bird’s “Feed the Birds Basket” with Bag of bird seed, Peanut suet cakes, and Bird Song CDs
Donor: Wild Birds Unlimited
5736 Mayfield Rd
Lyndhurst, OH 44124-2918
440/ 449-3324
Obtained by: Steve and Joan Albro
Winner: Mayor Georgine Welo

Wild Bird’s Unlimited 20 pounds Deluxe Bird Seed, and 4 Suet Cakes
Donor: Carolyn Sugiuchi
Winner: Ron Peura

“Resurrection” Art Work
Donor: Georgine Welo, Mayor of South Euclid
Winner: Mary Martin

Bottle of Cabernet Wine
Donor: Frank Skala
Winner: Paulette Peluso

Congratulations to our award winners

Tom Jenkins Award:
Carolyn Sugiuchi
Continued service and commitment

Volunteer of the Year:
Meiring Borcherds
Website Management

Public Official:
Mike Polencek
Lower Watershed Support

Service Award:
Fran Hogg
Continuing Grant Work

Service Award:
Dave Roche
Community Watershed Support for Greenwood Farms

Service Award:
Jeanette Evans
Continuing Grant Work

Service Award:
Jane Goodman
Photo contest volunteer

Service Award:
Steven Love
Adopt a Beach

East Bank dam update
Clair Posius tells us that the East Branch dam was officially removed on December 8, and Great Lakes Construction is busy installing the boulder cobble run, gabion mattress, and cross vein structures (see the project website if you have any questions about these structures and their design intent). They plan to be done installing the structures by the end of the year and will complete the restoration plantings in the spring.

Claire was interviewed by the environmental reporter for the Cleveland Plain Dealer about the project as explained at:

Monday, November 1, 2010

November 2010 update

Welcome to the November update

If you have any input for these updates, please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net. This issue covers:

* Holiday party is coming
* Save the first Tuesday of each month
* Photo contest update

The leaf image and following images are from previous and current photo contests. Our latest photo contest deadline is October 5, 2011.

Save the first Tuesday of December for our holiday party
  • Save December 7 for our annual holiday party at the Mayfield Village Community Center.
  • A big thank you goes out to Barb Pophol for organizing the activities.
  • Please let Barb or Jeanette know if you can help with a dish and/or prize. Don't miss this wonderful event.

Meeting updates
  • Our November 2 meeting included a presentation from Diane Bickett, Director of Solid Waste District, talking about recycling.
  • Our regular meetings are normally the first Tuesday at 6:30 of each month at the South Euclid Community Center, 1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle). Meetings are free and open to the public.
The image “http://thumbp2.mail.vip.sk1.yahoo.com/tn?sid=1181524139&mid=ALbPjkQAACozTIbXpg0tr2tpjtE&midoffset=1_227&partid=7&f=819&fid=foec” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Our December meeting is the holiday party. Look forward to our 2011 schedule that includes the January meeting on the Alliance for the Great Lakes. The speaker is Kristy Meyer for Fresh Water Futures.

The image of the Christmas fern comes from http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/ which states that ferns have been part of Ohio landscapes for millions of years and are a welcome plant year-around.
The image “http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Portals/19/nov03/images/christmasfern.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Tips on using a living, rooted (potted or balled) tree

Here are some ideas from http://pickyourownchristmastree.org.
  1. Keep the tree in a shaded area or a unheated garage until it is brought inside.

  2. Keep the soil in the ball or pot moist until well after it is transplanted after Christmas. A frozen ball need not be watered if the crown is shaded and protected.

  3. Lift and carry the tree by the ball or pot, not the top.

  4. Keep the tree in the house no longer than about one week.

  5. If possible, keep room that the tree is in cool (to help prevent it from starting to bud out).

  6. Have the tree's planting hole dug before the soil freezes and keep the fill dirt thawed. The hole should be 4 times the size of the root ball. If the dirt was heavy clay or poor sand, be sure to improve it with amendments (manure, grass clippings, ground leaves, compost, etc.) Evergreens like an acid soil, so don't add lime.

  7. Remove packing paper, sawdust and binding materials when planting the tree. Stake the tree for its first year, if possible.

The following are some entries from our current contest.

Here is the proposed 2010/2011 agenda for FOEC meetings.

  • Nov 2 - Diane Bickett, Director of Solid Waste District
  • Dec 7 - Holiday Party
  • Jan 4 - Alliance for the Great Lakes (Kristy Meyer for Fresh Water Futures)
  • Feb 1 - Food Inc. film
  • March 1 - Gas Well presentation
  • April 5 - Tom Meyer, URS, on Lower Euclid Creek plan
  • May 3 - Tour of Cuyahoga River (Thompson township to channel)

This is another entry from our current photo contest.

Nov. 17, 2010 -Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Steve Albro, Barb Holtz, Ken, Carolyn, Judy Dearden, Jeanette, Rick, Gary Bloom, Fran, Larry, Frank attended.

  • Highland Heights task force - Judy Dearden explained about the formation of a Highland Heights green task force. We discussed how FOEC can help.
  • SECLC tie in - Barb Holtz discussed planning to work a SECLC process into general FOEC meetings.
  • Upcoming meetings - We are to review in the near future the program schedule for the next 6 months.
  • 2011 goals - We talked about goal setting for 2011 and reviewed the FOEC mission.
  • Teasurer issues - Ken provided a report and discussed filing of 990-N with IRS, bylaws, membership dues, and setting up an audit committee with Larry volunteering to work in this audit committee. Fiscal year is to begin July 1 and end on June 30.
  • Check signing - We discussed signing on the NEORSD grant of $35,000. FOEC received a check for $1300+ from Whole Foods. Ken is sending the check to South Euclid for rain gardens.
  • December steering committee meeting - We discussed having no steering committee meeting on December 15, so we plan our next steering committee meeting to be in January, 2011.
  • City Club meeting - We discussed the City Club meeting where Brian Zimmerman of Metroparks was the speaker. We plan to send Brian an invitation to our upcoming holiday party.
  • Sewer District rate update - Sewer District is tripling the sanitary sewer rate in the next 20 years. Press releases and letters to the editor from our organization were discussed. Ken volunteered to provide a draft. Barb suggested a letter writing meeting.
  • Holiday party - City officials are to get invitations. Same musicians are to come as last year. We discussed that FOEC could provide some of the dishes.
  • Archiving issues - We discussed items to archive.
  • Bishop Road/Highland Heights update - Ken updated on the Bishop Road property and recent Highland Heights council meeting.
For more photos from our contest, please see:
For an article about a Euclid watershed conservation easement in Highland Heights and update on gas well drilling, see:

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 2010 update

Welcome to the October update

If you have any input for these updates, please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net. This issue covers:

* Save the first Tuesday of each month
* In the Spotlight: Steve Albro
* Ohio Lake Erie Commission Award
* Photo Contest Deadline is Oct. 5, 2011

Thank you to Frank Skala for providing the picture from the recent Euclid Creek walk.

Save the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30

Our meetings are still at the South Euclid Community Center. They now start at 6:30. Save December 7 for our annual holiday party. A big thank you goes out to Barb Pophol for organizing this wonderful event. Details are coming. Please start thinking about what you can contribute for prizes.

Thank you to Claire Posius and Barb Holtz for speaking at our October meeting. Claire updated us on sewer district work. Barb updated us on issues in the South Euclid Land Conservation group.

Ohio Lake Erie Commission Award goes to FOEC

An Ohio Lake Erie Commission award for organization of the year was presented to FOEC on September 22 at the awards event at Shore Cultural Center. Cleveland City Councilman Mike Polensek (of Ward 11) nominated FOEC.

See the Lake Erie Commission award site for more details and the statement that the efforts of the Friends of Euclid Creek have led to:

"increased stakeholder involvement in the restoration and protection of the watershed, leading to tangible projects such as the Lower Euclid Creek Greenway project, East Branch dam removal project, rain garden implementation project and purchase of conservation easements for important riparian and wetland habitat."

This is a winner in an Ohio Lake Erie Commission photo contest.

Thank you to the Albros

Thank you to the Albros for setting up the walk along the creek as our September outing.

The September 18 walk covered the Liberty Run trail along Euclid Creek and refreshments with the Albros after the walk. The photo comes from the walk.

$1.3 million goes to Euclid Creek in Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funds

The Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation district recently announced the award that funds the Lacustrine Refuge. The photo comes from the conservation district site.

Thank you to all who helped at Lyndhurst Home Days and Richmond Heights Fun Day

A special thank you goes to Larry McFadden for organizing the Lyndhurst Home Days event and especially to those who set up the new tent (much appreciated during the downpour Saturday night) for our display.

Thank you to all who participated at our table at Greenwood Farm on Sept. 25 for the Richmond Heights Fun Day. The photo comes from the Richmond Heights home page.

In the spotlight: Steve Albro

Steve Albro has been a member of FOEC since 2007 and on the FOEC board since 2009. Living in South Euclid, Steve is also a member of the GCRTA Citizens Advisory Board (1999-Present), GCRTA ADA Committee (1994-Present, Chair 1996-2010), Rail Users Network (2001-Present, Board 2003-Present), and South Euclid Shade Tree Commission 2006-2009.

Concerning his interest in the Euclid Creek, as Steve puts it, "I have lived in the Euclid Creek Watershed for 36 years, with the last 22 years the creek bordering my residence. Since childhood I have an interest in nature particularly birding, trees, and the watershed. My father-in law spent his career as a soil conservationist for the Department of Agriculture in Kansas. My daughter-in law, Kristen Albro, was the Sewer District Coordinator for Friends of Euclid Creek. I am recently retired and want to be involved in conservation projects with FOEC."

Congratulations to Steve on the Plain Dealer article about Steve's wonderful work at the Cleveland Sight Center (http://topics.cleveland.com/tag/steve%20albro/index.html).

Proposed 2011 FOEC meetings

Here is the proposed list of meetings for 2010/2011.

  • Nov. 2 - Diane Bickett, Director of Solid Waste District
  • Dec. 7 - Holiday/Christmas Party
  • Jan. 4 - Alliance for the Great Lakes (Kristy Meyer for Fresh Water Futures)
  • Feb. 1 - "Food Inc" film
  • March 1 - Gas Well presentation
  • April 5 - Tom Meyer, URS, on Lower Euclid Creek plan
  • May 3 - Tour of Cuyahoga River (Thompson township to channel)

This is an entry from our current photo contest

Plan landscapes around natives

It is always a good time to plan your landscaping around Ohio natives like butterfly weed and maidenhair fern.
View a larger version of this image and Profile page for Asclepias tuberosa L.Butterfly weed (image from http://plants.usda.gov) - an Ohio native - grows in dry fields and prefers sandy, gravel soils. Flowers attract butterflies. Caterpillars of monarch butterflies feed on the foliage. One of its commons names is Pleurisy Root which refers to its medicinal use for lung congestion (from Native Plants of Ohio).
Photo of Adiantum L.Maidenhair fern (image from http://plants.usda.gov) - an Ohio native - prefers moist, rich, wel-drained woods. Hardy and easy to grow, it can form large colonies of a pleasant medium green (from Native Plants of Ohio).

20 October 2010 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Frank, Fran, Claire, Barb Holtz, Ginny, Rick, Jeanette, Gary, Kyle, Ken, Lou, Kathy, Carolyn attended.

  • Discussion with Manager of Watershed Programs - Kyle Dreyfuss-Wells opened the meeting by talking about watershed support grants. She is Manager of Watershed Programs, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NORSD). Frank thanked Claire for her help in applying for the grant. Kyle also updated us on the NORSD stormwater management program.
  • Coordinating with S.E. Land Conservation group - Frank talked about coordinating with the work of the South Euclid Citizens for Land Conservation. Barb reported on how she has been working on conservation easements with this group. Ken said our 5013C status could apply if we work together and Frank suggested a Greenspace Committee within FOEC with Barb the chairperson. We discussed a letter to the editor to raise awareness. Advocacy in each city would be the topic. We discussed devoting a FOEC meeting to this topic with maps. We could do this at most meetings, combined with a speaker, possibly once a quarter. Barb will ask her group to work with FOEC and head up a subcommittee.
  • Membership - Fran reported that Ken updated the membership list. We reviewed the copy she provided and discussed membership. She also talked about the 2010 membership letter and holiday party invitation. We discussed and authorized purchase of envelopes.
  • Computer - Rick updated us on how Microcenters and Microsoft are handling return of the Office upgrade. Frank noted we can store the computer at a member's home.
The following are some entries from our current photo contest.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

September 2010 update

Welcome to the September 2010 update

Please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net if you have anything to post. This update includes information about:

* Meetings start earlier at 6:30 at S. Euclid Community Center
* Save Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 6:30 for our October meeting
* Save Saturday, Sept. 18 at 10AM for a walk along the creek
* In the spotlight: Stephen Love
* Oct. 5 is the deadline for our photography contest

For additional fliers about our upcoming photo contest, please call Larry McFadden at at 216-531-7144.

Coreopsis (image from Ohio Prairie Nurseries) thrives in sunny locations even with poor, sandy, or rocky soils. It can naturalize quickly, outgrow weeds, and help hold soil (from Native Plants of Ohio).

Save the first Tuesday of each month 6:30-8:30 for our monthly meeting
We normally meet the first Tuesday of each month. The new earlier meeting hours are permanent. The location is still the same - the South Euclid Community Center. Thank you to Meiring Borcherds and all else who spoke at our September meeting. Remember to check out Meiring's updates to the FOEC web site and Facebook.

The image of the purple coneflower - a good native choice for Ohio landscapes - comes from The Wild Ones. Coneflowers attract butterflies. Birds eat the seeds.

Save Saturday, Sept. 18 for an outing along the creek

For details contact jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net.

We plan to meet on Whitehall in South Euclid at 10AM for an outing along Euclid Creek. Thank you to the Albros for organizing this walk. Please bring a dish and join the Albros for refreshments after the walk. It should take about 2 hours.

The photo comes from the area.

FOEC participates in local events

Lyndhurst Fun Days are September 10-12. Thank you to all who help support these events.

Be sure to check the Euclid Creek Watershed Program page for a detailed listing of local events of interest:

Saturday, Sept. 25, 1 to 5 pm, stop by the Family Fun Fest at the Farm, Greenwood Farm, 264 Richmond Road. The picture comes from the http://www.richmondheightsohio.org site.

Ohio Lake Erie Commission Award Goes to FOEC

An Ohio Lake Erie Commission award for organization of the year was presented to FOEC on September 22 at the awards event at Shore Cultural Center. Cleveland City Councilman Mike Polensek (of Ward 11) nominated FOEC.

See the Lake Erie Commission award site for more details and the statement that the efforts of the Friends of Euclid Creek have led to:

"increased stakeholder involvement in the restoration and protection of the watershed, leading to tangible projects such as the Lower Euclid Creek Greenway project, East Branch dam removal project, rain garden implementation project and purchase of conservation easements for important riparian and wetland habitat."

This is a winner in an Ohio Lake Erie Commission photo contest.

In the spotlight: Stephen Love
Stephen Love was recently nominated as student of the week by the Sun Messenger -

Love volunteered at the Cuyahoga Watershed Conservation District, Euclid Creek Watershed Division and worked as a volunteer water monitor and data tester for a specified location along Euclid Creek. “I believe that civic engagement and participation are essential to sustaining a better quality of life in any community,” he said.

Currently pursuing a Masters of Public Administration at Cleveland State University, Love hopes to pursue a law degree in addition to his MPA. He does additional work as a volunteer team leader for an Adopt-a-Beach team at Euclid Beach Park. Community members and college students go out once a month for beach cleanups at Euclid Beach Park.

As Steve puts it about some of the work he spoke about at a past FOEC meeting, "I am also trying to coordinate a fundraising project to get new trash and recycling bins installed at Euclid Beach Park. So far, we have raised or received in grant funding over half the installation cost but we still have about $1000.00 to raise."

This picture comes from the http://ohiowatersheds.osu.edu/vtour/
virtual watershed tours site.

What is a wildlife-friendly landscape?

It is composed of these items, as described at nwf.org and Native Plants of Ohio:
  • food sources such as native plants, seeds, fruits, nuts, berries, nectar
  • water sources such as a birdbath, pond, water garden, stream
  • cover or shelter, for example, thicket, rockpile, birdhouse
  • a place to raise young such as dense shrubs, vegetation, nesting box, pond
  • sustainable gardening such as mulch, rain garden, compost, chemical-free fertilizer
Backyards can play an important role in wildlife conservation. You can help reduce the effects of habitat loss by landscaping with native Ohio plants and trying to turn your yard into a wildlife-friendly landscape.

Already Certified? Order your sign today!

Need help? Call 1-800-822-9919.

15 September Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

  • Frank called the meeting to order at 7:00.
    Lou, Frank, Kathy, Larry, Rick, Jeanette, Gary, Steve, and Barb Pophol attended the meeting at the South Euclid Public Library.

  • Photo contest
    Larry suggested moving the deadline. With the last contest, we extended the deadline. Larry to look into the last rules for the non-electronic entries. We discussed who can provide photo software training.

  • Next meeting
    Claire to speak on the grant request to the sewer district. Ginny to get another speaker. Programs committee consists of Kathy and Ginny. Fran wants to be on the speaker end.

  • Laptop and other equipment
    We discussed where to store and how to handle virus protection. Ken has to buy the screen before Monday to use the funds from the first grant. Remaining funds to go to a rain garden.

  • Holiday party
    Barb Pophol reserved the room. Larry has an invitation from last year. Barb to print and mail. Barb Holtz may have the mailing list. We discussed silent auction. Date is to be December 7.

  • Ohio Lake Erie Commission award
    Mike Polensek nominated FOEC, and FOEC won the award. Frank plans to attend on Sept. 22 to receive the award at Shore Cultural Center.

  • Greenwood Farm
    Sept. 25 we are to get a table at the Richmond Heights Fun Day with the hours of 1-5. We talked about the Greenwood Farm Restoration Committee.

  • Whole Foods donation for community garden
    Donation to South Euclid. Ken to get in touch with them. Monticello and Belvoir is the location.

  • Richmond Heights School request
    Discussed 501C(3) status per Dr. Kinney's request.

  • Barb Holtz joined the meeting via telephone.
    We discussed S. Euclid Land Conservation issues and presenting at the October meeting. Barb to attend the creek walk at Albro house on Saturday, Sept. 18.

  • FOEC outing on Sept. 18
    The Liberty Run trail along Euclid Creek is the location. We are to meet at Albro house. 4500 Whitehall is the location.

  • Membership list
    Larry has the most recent list. It is up to date. Fran Hogg may have the electronic list.

Here is a reminder of our current officers. Congratulations again to Fran Hogg for completing a very successful year as President.

President Frank Skala
1st VP Larry McFadden
2nd VP Gary Bloom
Secretary Jeanette Evans
Treasurer Ken Messinger-Rapport

Steering committee
Steve Albro
Lou Drasler
Fran Hogg
Kathy Schaefer
Carolyn Sugliuchi
Rick Evans

The following are some entries from our current photo contest.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

28 August 2010 update

Welcome to the August 2010 update

Please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net if you have anything to post. This update includes information about:

* September meeting details
* FOEC participates in local community events
* In the spotlight: Stephen Love
* 11 August steering committee minutes

For additional fliers about our upcoming photo contest, please call Larry McFadden at 216-531-7144.

FOECfallbballforppt.jpgThe image is a winner from one of our previous photo competitions.

Save Tuesday, Sept. 7 6:30-8:30 for our monthly meeting
FOEC participates in local events

Lyndhurst Fun Days are September 10-12. Thank you to all who help support these events.

Be sure to check the Euclid Creek Watershed Program page for a detailed listing of local events of interest:

In the spotlight: Stephen Love

Stephen Love was recently nominated as student of the week by the Sun Messenger -

Love volunteered at the Cuyahoga Watershed Conservation District, Euclid Creek Watershed Division and worked as a volunteer water monitor and data tester for a specified location along Euclid Creek. “I believe that civic engagement and participation are essential to sustaining a better quality of life in any community,” he said.

Currently pursuing a Masters of Public Administration at Cleveland State University, Love hopes to pursue a law degree in addition to his MPA. He does additional work as a volunteer team leader for an Adopt-a-Beach team at Euclid Beach Park. Community members and college students go out once a month for beach cleanups at Euclid Beach Park.

A lake on a calm day with a few clouds against a blue skyAs Steve puts it about some of the work he spoke about at a past FOEC meeting, "I am also trying to coordinate a fundraising project to get new trash and recycling bins installed at Euclid Beach Park. So far, we have raised or received in grant funding over half the installation cost but we still have about $1000.00 to raise."

This picture comes from the http://ohiowatersheds.osu.edu/vtour/
virtual watershed tours site.

What is a wildlife-friendly landscape?

It is composed of these items, as described at nwf.org and Native Plants of Ohio:
  • food sources such as native plants, seeds, fruits, nuts, berries, nectar
  • water sources such as a birdbath, pond, water garden, stream
  • cover or shelter, for example, thicket, rockpile, birdhouse
  • a place to raise young such as dense shrubs, vegetation, nesting box, pond
  • sustainable gardening such as mulch, rain garden, compost, chemical-free fertilizer

Already Certified? Order your sign today!

Need help? Call 1-800-822-9919 or email info@nwf.org
Backyards can play an important role in wildlife conservation. You can help reduce the effects of habitat loss by landscaping with native Ohio plants and trying to turn your yard into a wildlife-friendly landscape.

11 August 2010 Steering Committee Meeting

Kathy, Larry, Frank, Ken, Rick, Jeanette, Steve, and Gary attended. At 7:10 Frank called the meeting to order. The new term started for officers. Ken set up the meeting and coordinated with Claire.

Grant document review

  • We reviewed documents from Claire to get the $35,000 grant from the sewer district.
  • Budget items include awards for scholarships.
  • By-laws should show two vice-presidents. Ken to draft guidelines on scholarships. Larry to provide by-law information to Claire. United Church of Christ grant needs to be added.
  • We discussed changes about staffing on page 3 and 10 and the proposal of hiring an assistant for one year.
  • We agreed with the proposal for three rain gardens and corporate sponsors like Legacy Village, Philips Medical, Cleveland Clinic, Progressive.
  • Claire joined the meeting via telephone and discussed document changes including how to handle the assistant description. Someone at FOEC will make the submission working with Frank.

Other business

  • Last year Ginny and Fran were getting speakers.Programs Chairperson and Committee are needed for the coming year.Recycling is one idea for a meeting topic. Munson Township speaker and golf course could be a meeting topic. We could have a posting of ideas.
  • Membership, Programs, Scholarships, and Outings chairpersons are possible positions to involve more volunteers.
  • Sept. outing to be set up by Steve.
  • 10-15 minutes to be provided at Sept. meeting by Meihring to show Web site.
  • 6:30 to 8:30 is new time slot for meetings. Speaker should start at 7:00.
  • Frank to let Carolyn know of 6:30 start time.
  • Tent to be purchased by Larry.
  • We should buy a screen and a mouse.
  • Lyndhurst Fun Days the weekend of Sept. 11 needs more volunteers.
