Sunday, July 15, 2012

9000+ views

Thank you for your support of FOEC. We are now at over 9000 views for FOEC News. The image comes from Daniel Hancock, a winner in our last photo contest.

Volunteer sign up

Sign up to volunteer for events, water monitoring or committees.   

Contact Claire Posius, Euclid Creek Watershed Coordinator
(216) 524-6580 x16,

Steering committee

Present at the July 18 steering committee meeting held at the South Euclid Library were Steve Albro, Ginny Aveni, Jeanette Evans, Rick Evans, Barb Holtz, Ken Rapport, Bill McReynolds, Frank Skala, Claire Posius, and David Roche.  

Barb Holtz called the meeting to order around 7PM.  

Welcome to new members 

Barb noted that this is the first meeting since the voting in of new officers and directors. 

Ken will send Barb a membership roster. 

Treasurer's report

Ken updated the group with a Treasurer's report. 

Ken and Claire plan to work together on the grant that is due in August. 

August 1 at 7:00 we are to have a follow-up steering committee meeting with notification going out on where the meeting will be.  

We discussed auditing options.  

Euclid Creek Fact Sheets

Barb will try to find these and update us at the next steering committee meeting.  

Report from Claire

Claire reported on BVU training, the Bishop Road property, a FOEC/ReLeaf project, and the FOEC Watershed Support Proposal due in August (NE Ohio Regional Sewer District 2012 Watershed Grants Program, Operating Support Grant).   

For the appraisal cost for the Bishop Road property, Ken asked to receive an invoice from the appraiser.  

The ReLeaf program is looking at a project in Richmond Heights, based on collaboration with FOEC.

Steering committee

FOEC Steering Committee Meeting of June 20, 2012

In attendance: Frank Skala, Judy Deardon, Barb Holtz, Ginny Aveni, Fran Hogg, Christi Carlson, Lou Drasler, Ken Messinger-Rapport, Gary Bloom, Larry McFadden

Annual Picnic  
 July 3 at Rear Quarry Picnic Area - Euclid Creek Reservation, 6:00 pm arrive, 6:30 pm eat
Bring own table service and dish to share
We supply beverage and pizza
Barb Pophal to bring extra table settings for those who forget

Giving $35,000 to non-profits every year
Will not be able to offer this indefinitely so looking for groups to fund and working to keep these groups strong through strategic planning and fundraising
Barb Holtz and Frank Skala attended first meeting of Business Volunteers Unlimited (BVU) who has been brought in to help with this process

Structure of FOEC
Conversation began in regards to who we are as a group and where we are and want to go
Ginny provided a history of FOEC and our structure came to be

Finance Committee
Ken Messinger-Rapport distributed the budget
Need to set annual, short-term and long-term financial goal
Still need to fulfill Cuyahoga SWCD partnership
Looking to include in-kind (e.g., time and services volunteered) as part of budget

Great Lakes Compact
Discussed writing a letter to the Gov. Kasich on behalf of FOEC Steering Committee in support of raising the adequacy of the Great Lakes Compact (HB 473) - rolls back current protection of streams; up to 1 million gals. of water a day can be taken from Great Lakes by industry without a permit.
HB 473 has passed the Ohio House and Senate
As an aside, Gov. Kasich signed the Clean Ohio bill

Euclid Beach Blast and Claire's events
Stephen Love asked FOEC to be at Euclid Beach Blast event August 4 from 3-8 p.m.
We would have a tent and information; already paid for but would have to pay a $30 tent fee + need volunteers
Decided not to take part in event because we need for focus on how we do events as a group. FOEC struggling to get volunteers to do events - need to address this before take anything else on
Claire does not have anyone to help her at the June 27 rain barrel workshop; Fran Hogg offered to help

Marcella Property update
 Planted 100 plants
Between no rain and fire hydrant near property was hit, watering plants has been extremely difficult; Derek Shaffer has not followed through getting water to plants by supply permit to use hydrant, adapter, bung - Frank to contact Derek
Paid Kuntz Bros. to come out and water

Hawthorn Rd. property
Derek Shaffer assisting FOEC in acquiring 12 acres along Hawthorn Rd. in Highland Hts.
Money now available through various groups/government agencies so he can apply for grants; feels confident he can get the funding
 Derek is talking with the landowner now

Kathy Shaffer (guest)
Brought up that South Euclid library being sold with new library to be built across the street from Notre Dame College.
Question asked: Is this an issue for FOEC because the library and proposed development is in the watershed? What is going to happen to the current library property and building?

Respectfully submitted,
Barb Holtz
Substitute secretary

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thank you to Frank

As we start with a new slate of officers and directors, a big thank you goes out to outgoing President Frank Skala,  Here is a summary of the programs under his term.  

  • Sept. 2010 - Meiring Borcherds, FOEC web site update
  • October 2010 - Claire Posius, Barb Holtz, watershed issues 
  • November 2010 - Dianne Bickett, Director of Solid Waste District, recycling 
  • December 2010 - Barb Pophal, holiday party/fund raiser
  • Jan. 2011 - Claire Posius, Watershed Planning Guide review
  • Feb. 2011 - Ginny Avemi, mapping future watershed projects
  • March 2011 - Tom Evans, URS, watershed planning
  • April 2011 - Claire Posius, Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation update
  • May 2011 - Cleveland Metroparks Staff, Master Plan update
  • June 2011 - Ken Messinger-Rapport, gas well drilling, Gasland
  • July 2011 - Summer picnic, Euclid Creek Reservation 
  • August 2011 - Lou Rifici, water quality monitoring in Euclid Creek 
  • September 2011 - Joe Logan, Ohio Environmental Council, water quality
  • October 2011 -Tour of Mayfair Country Club
  • November 2011 - Larry McFadden, photography contest recognition 
  • December 2011 - Barb Pophol, holiday party/fund raiser
  • January 2012 - Jim Bell, Park Manager, Euclid Creek Metro Parks, upcoming plans 
  • February 2012 - Meiring Borcherds, Cuyahoga County Dept. of Health, climate change
  • March 2012 - Frank Greenland, Regional Sewer District, upcoming plans
  • April 2012 - Member to member talks - Barb Holtz, Christi Carlson, Lou Drasler, Rick Evans, Connie Herron
  • May 2012 - Barb Holtz, Cleveland Metroparks, Euclid Creek Metroparks spring wildflower and vegetation walk  
  • June 2012  - Nidia Arguedas, Ph.D., Cleveland Metroparks Conservation Planner, Metroparks capital improvement plans for Euclid Creek Reservation
  • July 2012 - Annual picnic, Rear Quarry Reserved Area, Euclid Creek Metroparks

Yuko presents award

Congratulations to outgoing FOEC President Frank Skala for the service award presented by Kenny Yuko (Ohio Representative, 7th District) at our July picnic. The text of the award follows.
On behalf of the members of the House of Representatives of the 129th General Assembly of Ohio, we are pleased to extend special recognition to Frank Skala on your outstanding service as President of Friends of Euclid Creek. 

You are deserving of high praise, for you have combined civic concern and commitment with selfless initiative to become a dynamic leader in the community. During your two-year tenure as President of Friends of Euclid Creek, you have ably fulfilled your myriad responsibilities and have demonstrated an exemplary dedication to preserving our natural resources. A talented and hard-working individual, you have made many significant contributions to the growth and development of the area and have clearly shown the potential of each person to have a positive effect on the quality of life in our society. 

You have striven to serve your fellow citizens to the best of your ability, and we are proud to note that it is through the unsurpassed efforts and deep commitment of conscientious individual such as you that Ohio continues to grow and prosper and our state remains responsive to the needs of its residents. We applaud you on your tremendous efforts.  

Thus with sincere pleasure, we commend you on your exemplary service as President of Friends of Euclid Creek and extend best wishes for the future.  

Kenny Yuko, House District Seven, and William Bachelder, Speaker of the House, Ohio House of Representatives

August meeting

Stay tuned for details of our August meeting. Congratulations to our new officers and directors. 

Coreopsis is a good choice for native gardens in NE Ohio. The image comes from Ohio Prairie Nursery.

Finance committee

FOEC Finance Committee Meeting
June 29,2012
Notes provided by V. Aveni 

In attendance: Virginia Aveni, Ken Rapport, Jeanette Evans, Claire Posius, Christie Carlson

Claire Posius shared a list of grant opportunities, “A Summary of Grant Opportunities for Watershed Protection and Restoration in the Rocky River Watershed.”   The document summarizes a number of existing grant programs which might be applied to the watershed.  These are largely public grants and by no means all of the grants, especially those private grants.  Many of the programs require matching money which may be raised by other contributions and by partners in other organizations.

Membership dues and contributions
The group agreed that it should recommend revisions of both the dates that dues are due and the levels of dues.  The date should be moved to the end of June, just before the Annual Meeting, and the membership (and its publication in our mailings and brochures) levels should be only two, $15, students, and $25 for everyone else.  (Barb has suggested that the committee consider raising the top rate to $30).  These decisions will be finally decided by the Steering Committee.*
Yearly contributions should be solicited before end of year since we are raising some funds at the Holiday party.  A special letter, possibly with a well-designed Annual Report would highlight FOEC accomplishments, our non-profit status to attract contributions for special, local benefits.

Major Donor contributions
The team will research possible individual and corporate major donors. Members can help by sharing any lists or names with the committee.  Several which may be used would be local Kiwanis’, Rotaries, Chambers of Commerce, Garden Clubs, Dad’s Clubs, Church Social Action Committees, garden centers, and referrals of people with whom members do business.

Ken wondered what had happened to the Fact Sheets that he and Bob Gibbons developed for the donor packets.  We believe that they are in the boxes with the packets.  (I called Fran , who was not available, to see if she has those boxes..talked to Larry M to see if he had any of the packets.  He didn’t, so, hopefully they are at Fran’s house).

The Committee agreed that, while it may work on the elements of raising money, that the Steering Committee should move forward with strategic planning and a clear development plan for the organization.  Funds would be tied to the goals of FOEC .  
The plan would be a further demonstration on the efficiency and focus for purposes of selling FOEC.

Specific projects which might be part of future goals continue to be:
  1. The Bishop Road land preservation parcel
  2. Scholarships
  3. A projector screen (this ends up at the bottom of the list every time)
Added were:
  1. Money for restoration and maintenance of the Dusty Goldenrod meadow.  Claire mentioned that the meadow may have been somewhat degraded in the last few years.
  2. Money for strategic planning
Strategic planning
The Committee discussed several specific facilitators who might conduct a day or two’s s.p. process.  It will have a list to refer to the Steering Committee, but several local people were mentioned, in addition to a facilitator from The Institute for Conservation Leadership which is funded by the George Gund Foundation.

Fund-raising events
Barb Holtz suggested that we discuss a road race in Euclid Creek Reservation.  The Committee wanted to recommend the race.  It was raised several years ago, but problems with the logistics sidelined the suggestion.  Hopefully there would be ways to remove the roadblocks (no pun intended).

Spring major fund-raiser
The Committee had to adjourn before discussing this project.
Next meeting: July 27, 3 p.m. at Ginny Aveni’s house.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Congratulations to our new officers and directors, as voted in at our July meeting. 

  • President - Barb Holtz
  • Vice President - Christi Carlson
  • Treasurer - Ken Messinger Rapport
  • Secretary - Jeanette Evans  
  • Albro, Steve 
  • Bloom, Gary 
  • Dearden, Judy 
  • Drasler, Lou
  • Evans, Rick 
  • Hogg, Fran 
  • McFadden, Larry 
  • McReynolds, Bill 
  • Skala, Frank
  • Suguichi, Carolyn

Coneflowers are an excellent native flower for our gardens. The image comes from Wikipedia.  

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Swearing in

Congratulations go to our new officers and directors, as voted at our July meeting.