Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Our June 3 Picnic Meeting

Please join us for our Annual Meeting and Picnic!
Tuesday, June 3 at 6:00 p.m. (dinner around 6:30)
Rear Quarry Reserved Picnic Area
Euclid Creek Reservation
FOEC will provide pizza and beverage
**Please bring a dish to share and your table setting.**
Besides good food and conversation, we will have our election of officers. Here is the slate:
  • President - Christi Carlson
  • Vice President - Ken Messinger-Rapport
  • Treasurer - Rick Evans
  • Secretary - Jeanette Evans
  • Directors: Barb Holtz, Chris Vild, Gary Bloom
Nominations for additional directors will be taken from the floor. If you are nominating someone, they must have previously agreed to accept the nomination.

Hope you can join us!

Barb Holtz

Greater Cleveland Trail & Greenways Conference

Recognizing the value of trails and greenways as Pathways to Healthy Communities, decision makers, planners and practitioners, and trail advocates from around Greater Cleveland will gather on June 12th, 2014 in Mayfield Village, Ohio to share ideas, discover new tools, and set the stage to transform plans and concepts into successfully completed projects.

Please see for details.