Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Upcoming meetings

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 3, for our members speaking to members meeting. This will be your chance to request a 3, 5, or 10 minute spot.  The topic can be broadly related to issues such as nature, water, environment, science, ecology, outdoor recreation, conservancy, the planet, or your backyard.  

Please let Frank Skala or know if you wish to be added to our list of speakers for this fun-filled evening of lightning talks.

The April 3 meeting start at 6:30PM at:
  • South Euclid Community Center
  • 1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle) 
Meetings are free and open to the public. 
Please let me know at if you have any questions.

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, May 1, for a Spring Wildflower Walk at the Highland Rd Picnic Area of Euclid Creek Reservation. Check back soon for details.

Meeting minutes

The March 21 meeting of the steering committee took place at the South Euclid Library and included Gary, Larry, Frank, Jeanette, Rick, Barb, Lou, and Ken. Larry called the meeting to order around 7PM.


We discussed volunteer efforts for events such as:

  • Earth Day at Rockwell Automation - Rick will attend
  • Earth Day at Philips - Mary Kay and Ken will attend
  • Green Dream - Ken, Ginny, Mary Kay - Barb Holtz to make cards with questions about the watershed - with us giving out pins
  • Bioswale maintenance - May 12 - Gary, Fran to attend

April meeting

We reviewed who will speak in the members to members meeting


Concerning the Marcella property, Frank to note that Jane Goodman may need to contact Derek Schaefer

Slate of officers

We discussed possible nominations. Larry will follow up. 


Barb provided the software to jeanette to keep with computer


jeanette to continue adding names to the list of schools.  

Euclid Creek Chronicle

We discussed the next issues in June. We need input by May 14. 

Barb to provide pdf to Mering and Jeanette to place on web site and blog.

Highland Heights Gas Wells

We discussed the letter Ken wrote and presented with Frank.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Euclid Creek Chronicles

If you did not receive a copy of the Euclid Creek Chronicles, please let me know at if you would like one.

Thank you to Barb Holtz for providing the Euclid Creek Chronicles, an FOEC newsletter.

Contest entry

This is an entry from our recent photo contest.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Project priorities

Here is a list of projects we identified as priorities.

MAIN BRANCH (Euclid, Cleveland)
1.Spillway at Neff Rd.  
2. PJ playground
3. Bioswale near Dille Rd. 
4. Any green space connecting Euclid Creek Reservation to Wildwood Park

EAST BRANCH (Highland Hts., Richmond Hts., Mayfield, Willoughby Hills)
1. Vacant land on Bishop Road adjacent to Hawthorne Dr. and connecting with Highland Heights Community Park. –currently for sale, Howard Hannah  
2. Former Mayfair Country Club site, off of Highland Road
3. Highland Hts. Community Park/Dusty Goldenrod Meadow north of Hawthorne Dr.
4.  Richmond Rd. and White Rd. - Greenwood Farm and ravine corridor
5.  Vacant land between Belwood and Lander Rds. 

WEST BRANCH (South Euclid, Lyndhurst, Beachwood)
1. Land around S. Euclid Library, "mansion" on Dorsh Rd. and Palermo property connecting to Liberty trails corridor
2. Acacia Country Club
3. Open space around Notre Dame College
4. Around St. Margaret Mary and Quarry Park
5. Easement opportunities along Ammon and Parkside Rds. 

Scholarship contacts

These are area school contacts who get information about our scholarship. If you would like to be on the email list, please let me know at
  • Brush High School
Kathryn Falkenburg
NHS Advisor/Environment Club Advisor
  • Richmond Heights High School
Dan Sadler

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Green Dream

Save the date!
5th Annual Green Dream April 20th 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

March meeting

The speaker for the Tuesday, March 6 meeting will be Frank Greenland from the Regional Sewer District. He will be addressing the status of the Euclid Creek tunnel project and proposed sewer rate increase. 

This and other regular monthly meetings start at 6:30PM on the first Tuesday of the month at:

  • South Euclid Community Center
  • 1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle) 
Meetings are free and open to the public. 
Please let me know at if you have any questions.

Wild ginger

Wild ginger is identified as an early spring Ohio native.
The image comes from

ReLeaf conference

Thank you to Ken Messinger-Rapport for providing this write-up.  

FOEC members and officers were among many local arborists, city service employees, State EPA and Ohio Department of Natural Resources representatives, and private citizens who attended the first ever ReLeaf conference held within the Euclid Creek Watershed this past January 19The purpose of the program was threefold:
  • to introduce members of the watershed stakeholder community to the representatives of the Cuyahoga River Community Planning organization and the State Department of Natural Resources who will be administering and directing the federally funded Great Lakes Restoration Initiative program aimed at implementing various remediation projects to restore the environmental vitality of the Great Lakes eco-system
  • to present information about the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the grants that will be available to organizations such as the FOEC to implement local remediation projects
  • to gather information about the geography of the local area from the attendees so that grant monies for projects can be appropriately directed
This is just part of Ken's write-up. To see the entire text, please let me know at