Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 26 2010 update

Welcome to the May 26 Update

If you have anything to announce, please let me know at
The photo is from the Bioswale Cleanup at Wildwood Park and Marina held in May, 2010.

Some items covered in this issue:
* June 1 meeting of FOEC
* June 4 Music of Nature and Nature of Music performance and lecture
* June 17 event at Euclid Beach

June 1 Meeting
Please plan on attending our monthly meeting Tuesday, June 1 at 7:00 p.m. at the South Euclid Community Center. We will be treated to a presentation by Derek Schafer. Mr. Schafer is with the West Creek Land Trust Initiative. He will talk about this new organization's mission, but also specifically about how they can help us with preservation of wetlands in the Euclid Creek watershed, such as the Highland Hts property on Bishop Rd.

Mr. Schafer is also the Conservation Project Manager for The West Creek Preservation Committee (

The photo comes from

Jason Husher also plans to talk about urban farming. He has obtained grant money and taken vacant residential property in Cleveland and made it into an urban farm.
Stephen Love will talk about an Adopt A Beach program and July 17 event at Euclid Beach.

Music of Nature and the Nature of Music

The Folk / Bluegrass band 'Timberwolves' with FOEC member Larry McFadden will be performing prior to the lecture The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music this Friday from 5:30 pm to 7:30pm - Fri, Jun 4, 2010, 7:30 pm

Dr. Patricia Gray, Clinical Professor and Senior Research Scientist of BioMusic
Part of the Explorer Series of Lectures

If we rely on artifacts alone, the evolutionary trail of music can take us back just 50,000 years. But there are other ways to study the roots of music-making and musical structures. By looking at other species and their abilities to perceive and manipulate patterns of sound and time, we may advance our understanding.

Dr. Patricia Gray of the Music Research Institute at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro will discuss the deeper roots of human musicality. This program is in conjunction with the current exhibit Wild Music: The Sounds and Songs of Life.

To purchase tickets for this lecture, please call (216) 231-4600, ext. 0, to speak with a Museum Operator. Or purchase your tickets at the front desk prior to the presentation.

From Stephen Love, To Friends of Euclid Creek

I just wanted to let you know that on July 17th the Euclid Beach Adopt-a-Beach team and Arts Collinwood are going to be having an all day event at Euclid Beach! ( So far, our initial agenda looks something like this:

11am-3-4pm: The Adopt-a-Beach Cleanup will begin at 11am and the sand sculpture contest will begin at 12pm that day. There will hopefully be a number of organizations present with informational tables on the beach during both events. It is likely that the sand sculpture judging will begin around 230 pm or 3 pm that day. Adopt-a-Beach team members will also be conducting a beach and park assessment survey for beach goers and event attendees for part of the time.

3-4pm-6pm: Both events will be followed by a cookout up top either in the pavilion or surrounding picnic tables. We are hoping to use the cookout as one way to raise money for our trash/recycle bin project by charging nominal amounts for refreshments.
Following the cookout we will likely have some arts and crafts events, storytelling and musical entertainment possibly on a portable stage. It is likely that everything will wrap up around 6pm.

Photography Contest

Click Photography Contest Details or contact Larry McFadden at 531-7144 or

This is a big, beautiful watershed from the headwater stream in your back yard to the Lake Erie shore. Help celebrate Euclid Creek by sharing your best shots of life in the watershed. The Friends of Euclid Creek invite you to share your vision of life around our watershed. We hope to:

  • highlight the beauty of the creek as it flows through the ten watershed communities
  • showcase the culture and historical sites of the watershed
  • encourage otehrs to enjoy this wonderful natural resource
More about The Wild Ones

Thank you to past FOEC president Barb Holtz for her May 2010 presentation on weed control.

In her presentation Barb mentioned The Wild Ones advocating for native plants in natural landscapes.

The image of the purple coneflower, a good native choice for Ohio landscapes, comes from The Wild Ones.

List of Current Officers

President - Fran Hogg
Vice-President - Frank Skala
Secretary - Larry McFadden
Treasurer - Ken Messenger-Rapport

Six Directors
Steve Albro
Gary Bloom
Mike Ceralo
Lou Drasler
Kathy Schafer
Carolyn Sugiuchi

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Contest details

Welcome to the update on the photography contest

Photos must be taken in the Euclid Creek Watershed
Entry deadline October 5th 2011
Award Reception November 2nd

2010 photo criteria for e-mail entry:
. Jpeg or .Jpg format
· No larger than 2mb
. Submitted to

Finalist will be required to submit a high-resolution file.
· Minimum of 300 dpi @ 5” x 7”
· Original may be as large as 8” x 10” @ 300 dpi

Enter our 2010 FOEC photography contest. Deadline for submissions is October 5, 2010.

  • All photos submitted will become part of a permanent collection and will not be returned.
  • Photographers may be asked for permission to use their photos to promote the mission of FOEC.
  • Entries must be emailed. Mail entries not accepted.
  • Entries must be taken within the Euclid Creek watershed.
  • For more information call Larry McFadden at 531-7144 or

This is a big, beautiful watershed from the headwater stream in your back yard to the Lake Erie shore. Help celebrate Euclid Creek by sharing your best shots of life in the watershed.

Categories - photos taken within the Euclid Creek watershed - color or black/white for each category - $100 grand prize

  • Plants and animals
  • Recreation
  • Cultural and historical sites
  • Age 17 and under any of the above subjects

The Friends of Euclid Creek invite you to share your vision of life around our watershed. We hope to:

  • highlight the beauty of the creek as it flows through the ten watershed communities
  • showcase the culture and historical sites of the watershed
  • encourage others to enjoy this wonderful natural resource

The image comes from the Wild Ones which is a group that encourages use of native plants and natural landscapes. Please contact Barb Holtz or for more details.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 2010 update

Welcome to the May 2010 update

If you have anything to add for this or a future update, please let me know at Some of the items covered in this update include:

* More about our meetings
* FOEC photography contest details

We are extending deepest sympathy to Fran Hogg whose mother recently passed away.

Thanks go to Susan Petrone and Miering Borcherds for their support of the FOEC web site.

Coreopsis is a good native choice for sunny locations. This image comes from

More about our meetings

Our May meeting featured presentations from FOEC members. Stay tuned for details about our upcoming meetings throughout the coming months.

*Ken Messenger-Rapport - getting grant for Bishop Road property, oil and gas drilling developments

*Lou Drasler - what's in the water

* Ron Peura - urban forestry

* Barb Holtz - weed laws

The image of the purple coneflower comes from the Wild Ones page at with the Wild Ones being a group that encourages us to select plants and seeds from local or regional sources.

Enter our 2010 FOEC photography contest

Deadline for submissions is October 5, 2010.

All photos submitted will become part of a permanent collection and will not be returned. Photographers may be asked for permission to use their photos to promote the mission of FOEC. Entries must be emailed. Entries must be taken within the Euclid Creek watershed. Mailed entries not accepted.

News of note

Saturday, May 8 10am to 4pm - Cleveland Div. of Water will mark National Drinking Water Week with an open house at two of its purification plants. Call 216-664-2444 ext. 5802 or visit to RSVP.

Save Wed. May 12 for the Rain Barrel Workshop at Greenwood Farms 6:30-8pm in Richmond Heights.

Contact Claire Posius for Euclid Creek watershed spring 2010 meetings that including rain barrel workshops. Contact Claire at 216-524-6580 x16 or

Please visit regularly Claire Posius' Soil and Water Conservation enewsletter at Thank you Claire!

Black-eyed susans are a good native choice for natural landscapes.