Sunday, April 29, 2012

President's message

Greetings Friends of Euclid Creek,

Here's what's happening . . . . .

Our next FOEC meeting is OUTDOORS on Tuesday May 1, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at Euclid Creek Reservation.   
  • We will be meeting at the Highland Road picnic area (that's the lower end of the park road, by Highland Road, where the basketball courts are). 
  • We will gather around the shelter house by the parking lot, have a brief 10 minute or so meeting, then begin a Spring Wildflower (and other vegetation) hike. 
  • The hike will last approximately one hour and will be narrated by Naturalist and Look-About-Lodge Manager, Barb Holtz! 
  • It should be fun and educational! 
  • This is a rain or shine event. 
  • We will meet and hike even if it's raining. So dress appropriately and bring an umbrella if needed. The only condition that will cancel the hike would be lightning.
  • Claire Posius, CSWCD Watershed Manager, will update us on activities and upcoming events of the Soil and Water Conservation District.  


Frank Skala
Please call with questions or comments.
This picture of Frank was taken at the Mayfair walk. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

May meeting

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, May 1, for our 6:30 meeting held outdoors at the Highland Road Picnic Area of Euclid Creek Reservation. We will feature a Spring Wildflower Walk with guided narration by Barb Holtz. Please let Frank Skala or know if you have any questions. 

The photo above is from our recent contest. Thank you to Frank Skala for providing the following photo of the signage now at the dusty goldenrod meadow that FOEC is helping to preserve.  

Meeting minutes

The April 18 steering committee meeting took place at the South Euclid library.

Frank Skala called the meeting to order around 7PM.  In attendance were Judy Dearden, Gary, Bill McReynolds, Frank, Larry, Rick, Jeanette, Carolyn, Barb Holtz, Ken, Ginny, and Fran Hogg.  Items discussed include the following.

May 1 meeting
The meeting and spring walk start at 6:30. Barb Holtz explained plans for the walk that she will lead. Location is the Highland Road picnic area at an available shelter house.

July meeting - picnic
Barb Holtz reserved the location.

Officers and directors
Larry provided an update on the upcoming elections.

June 5 meeting
Lou Rifici was invited as was the Metroparks Designer associated with the North Chagrin Nature Center.

Earth Week activities
Rick provided an update on activities at Rockwell.
Ken will work at the Philips and Green Dream events.

Bishop Road property
We discussed the status of the property.

Officer and directors duty descriptions
Larry provided descriptions from Roberts Rules of Order.
We are to send Larry duty descriptions if we have them.

No Child Left Behind
Larry asked the group and Barb in particular for ideas we could have at our table to support this program.

Barb asked for contributions by May 14.
FOEC educational activities provided during Highland Heights gas well drilling discussions could be covered in the upcoming newsletter.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Steering committee

We are accepting nominations through the end of April for openings on our steering committee. Please let Larry McFadden or know if you are interested.
Thank you to Meiring Borcherds for providing this photo of the current steering committee, taken at our 2011 holiday party.

Front L to R - Barb Holtz, Carolyn Suguichi, Fran Hogg
Ken Messinger-Rapport (center, with plaque), Rick Evans, Jeanette Evans, Lou Drasler, Larry McFadden
Back L to R - Frank Skala, Gary Bloom, Stephen Albro

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

President's message

Greetings Friends of Euclid Creek,

Let us rejoice that we are officially through winter. Here is what's happening . . .

The next FOEC meeting is Tuesday April 3, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the South Euclid Community Center . We have an exciting program featuring five of our own Friends of Euclid Creek members speaking on their special topics of interest!  We will be treated to the following presentations:

  • Barb Holtz,
  •  No Child Left Inside
  • Christi Carlson,
  •  The Brook that Has Entered First Grade
  • Lou Drasler,
    Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO): Boon or Disaster? 
  • Rick Evans,
  •  Energy Saving Lighting
  • Connie Herron,
  •  Introduction to Fact Faith Communities (for frack awareness)
Claire Posius, CSWCD Watershed Manager, will update us on activities and upcoming events of the Soil & Water Conservation District.  

There are many upcoming events that you are invited to assist at, or simply attend:

Thur April 5, 5:30-7:30
MetroParks Public Open House, requesting input on future plans for Euclid Creek reservation.
Location: North Chagrin Nature Center
(Jim Bell personally invited all FOEC to attend and participate.)
 (if you can’t make this open house, there’s another on Thursday, May 24 from 5:30-7:30 at CanalWay – they will be focusing on Euclid Creek Reservation there as well – Claire will be attending this one/can’t make April 5 one)

Wed April 18, 11:00-1:30
Rockwell Automation Earth Day celebration
Location: Mayfield Heights Landerhaven Campus (~1,200 employees)
Claire and Rick

Thurs April 19, morning thru afternoon
Mayfield Village rain garden planting
Location: Wiley Park
Claire is directing this.

Thurs April 19, 11:00-1:00
Philips Healthcare Earth Day celebration
Location: Highland Rd. at Miner Rd. , Highland Heights
Mary K, Ken and Ginny are staffing this.

Fri April 20, event hours 1-7pm (networking with other vendors from noon-1; setup required by noon)
Green Dream Event (3,000 attendees and 100 vendors last year)
Location: Beachwood Community Center
Claire, Mary K and Ken are staffing this.

April 23, 24 or 25, 11:00-1:30
Rockwell Automation Earth Day celebration
Location: Mayfield Village Campus (~300 employees)
Rick assisting. Anyone else?

Fri April 27, early afternoon
Richmond Heights Arbor Day (tree planting & talk about benefits of trees)
Location: Richmond Heights Community Park
Claire coordinating on this with David Roche

Also as an FYI – for the Sat May 12 Invasive Plant Pull / FOEC Bioswale Maintenance Day at Wildwood State Park – Stephen Love is donating rain garden plants for us to plant in the bioswale – so we will definitely need a bunch of volunteers for that – please help spread the word!

 Update on ReLeaf project. Goal is to re-forest riparian areas of Euclid Creek. Jeanette and Frank met with Jane Goodman regarding Marcella and Lake Shore Blvd property.

Update on the nomination of slate of officers.  Please let Larry McFadden or Ginny Aveni know if you would like to be an officer or director, or would like to nominate someone. All positions except Treasurer are open.

Update on Highland Hts Park gas wells. Thanks Ken for preparing and presenting a scholarly package to HH Council on behalf of FOEC, advising and educating them of the risks to the watershed and environment.

Letter from Lita Laven, NEORSD
When Frank Greenland and I attended the last FOEC meeting, there were some inquiries regarding where to dispose of batteries. I contacted Bulldog Battery in Willoughby and he said they still accept alkaline batteries for $1 per pound.  Our thanks go to Lita.  

Follow-up on the Euclid Creek Chronicle newsletter
Thank you Barb and Fran! In addition to excellent articles, there is a reminder to send in (or pay to Ken) dues. There is also a membership form for members.'

Next Meeting
Our meeting next month (Tues., May 1, 6:30 p.m.) will be outdoors at the Highland Rd Picnic Area of Euclid Creek Reservation and will feature a Spring Wildflower Walk with guided narration by Barb Holtz.  

This picture of FOEC President Frank Skala is from the FOEC event held at Mayfair.