Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 2011 update

Happy New Year!

Welcome! Best wishes for the new 2011 year.

If you have any input for these updates, please let me know at Photos are from our contest.

This issue covers:
* Meeting updates and more on our holiday party
* Oakwood Park can still be a reality
* East Bank dam update
* Highland Heights green task force

The images are from our photo contest.
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More about our holiday party

Thank you to the Little Known String Duet with Donna Lader on guitar and Joe Abate on mandolin. We very much enjoyed your musical accompaniment to our holiday party.

Special thanks go to Larry McFadden for being our master of ceremonies, Barb Pophol for putting the party together, Mary K. Evans for the raffle and auction, Barb Holtz for bartending, and all others who contributed.

Oakwood Park can still be a reality

For important information about Oakwood Park, please see:

Cleveland Heights residents are supporting keeping Oakwood Park as many people attended a recent city council meeting to express support. The South Euclid part of the property already sold to a developer. If zoning does not change, the developer cannot build a shopping center there. South Euclid residents need to show their support. If people from other municipalities support the effort, it will help.

Save the first Tuesday of every month

Our regular meetings start at 6:30PM at the South Euclid Community Center, 1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle). Meetings are free and open to the public.

January 4 our meeting included a Watershed Planning Guide update from Claire Posius, Food Inc. film presentation, and an update from Fran Mench on the Oakwood golf course and Judy Dearden on the Highland Heights Green Task Force.

Our plan for the February meeting includes a review and update from Claire Posius and Ginny Aveni on subwatershed plans and greenprint for Euclid Creek and from Barb Holtz an update on land conservation.

For more images, please see:

Highland Heights green task force forming
For more information about this new group, please contact Jeanette Evans or Judy Dearden.

FOEC member Judy Dearden is organizing the first meeting of the Highland Heights Green Task Force is scheduled for Thursday, January 13, 2011, 7-9 PM at the Mayfield Library meeting room.

We will use this meeting to introduce ourselves and to go over our interests, the agenda for programs and projects, and discuss goals for the task force.

Please feel free to invite anyone you may know who expresses an interest.

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More about Food, Inc.
The film looks at corporate food production in America. This includes agribusiness that produces unhealthy food in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive to both animals and employees.

Part one looks at the industrial production of meat, calling it inhumane and environmentally unsustainable. Part two looks at grain and vegetable production that is environmentally unsustainable. Part three looks at laws of food companies that supply contaminated food that is cheap, use petroleum-based chemicals such a pesticides and fertilizers, and encourage unhealthy food consumption.

East Bank Dam update
Clair Posius tells us that the East Branch dam was officially removed on December 8, 2010, and Great Lake Construction is installing the boulder cobble run, gabion mattress, and cross vein structures (see the project website for more about these structures and their design intent). The plan includes installing the structures by the end of the year and completing restoration plantings in the spring.

Claire was interviewed by Michael Scott, environmental reporter for the Plain Dealer, as explained at:

Holiday party thank you and awards
This is a photo from last year's holiday party. Previous President Fran Hogg is in the center.

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It was a wonderful end to a wonderful year. Thank you to Barb Pophal and all others who made the holiday party such a success. Congratulations to the winners of our awards.

19 January 2011 Steering Committee Meeting

19 January 2011 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Frank Skala called the meeting to order at around 7:05PM at the South Euclid Library meeting room. In attendance were Ginny, Carolyn, Lou, Ken, Kathy, Fran, Frank, Larry, Steve, Gary, Rick, Jeanette.

General business

The Board of Directors approved a resolution, by unanimous consent, restating that the authorized signers for all banking accounts in the name of the Friends of Euclid Creek shall be the current President, Frank Skala, or the current Treasurer, Ken Messinger-Rapport, for the duration of their terms of office; and, that either officer may sign separately on behalf of the organization.

February meeting maps and discussion

Ginny led the discussion on the maps for the February meeting. West branch is Pepper Pike, Beachwood, S. Euclid, Lyndhurst. Main branch is Cleveland and Euclid. East branch is Willoughby Hills, Highland Heights, Mayfield Village, Richmond Heights. We discussed breaking up groups by branch.

Oakwood Club development

We looked at a possible FOEC position on the Oakwood Golf Club development plans.

Software upgrade for the computer

Rick noted options for the upgrade. We agreed we had the funds for an upgrade and authorized getting it.

Sierra Club support for the Sewer District

Gary discussed a statement of support for the recent Sewer District consent decree from the Sierra Club and whether FOEC wants to make a joint statement. We want to see the Sierra Club endorsement.

Oxbow Lacustrine project

The FOEC appointee will assist with the Lacustrine Refuge Project Advisory Committee. Ginny, Kathy, and Larry expressed interest.

CSWCD Rain Garden

A FOEC rain garden committee could work on this. Claire Posius requested FOEC involvement. We can ask at the next general meeting for volunteers.

Upcoming Programs

Ginny reviewed the list of programs for upcoming meetings. March will include Tom Evans (Lower Euclid Creek Plan). April's speaker is Kristy Meyer (Alliance for the Great Lake). May will be a tour of the Cuyahoga River (Thompson Township, Geauga County, to Munroe Falls, Akron). Frank suggested having Metroparks provide a presentation and having a speaker on brownfields in the Euclid Creek watershed. Mike Polensek could be a speaker.

ReLeaf Tree Program

Frank and Fran noted that FOEC had a letter of support.

FOEC Speakers Bureau

Larry led the discussion on the speakers bureau. We could practice with our steering committee first. Fran said she would not mind going out and noted that we have slides on watersheds in general. This could be another committee for discussion at the next general meeting. We need to look at existing presentations.

General discussion

Fran is to work on a letter for membership.

Larry wants us to think about festivals including Green Dream in April, Greenwood Farms, Lyndhurst Home Days. The rain barrel in Lyndhurst was a good idea last year.