Bishop Road conservation easement
We discussed how Derek Schaefer was pursuing this grant.
Tuesday, July 5 is the date of the picnic. Barb Holtz reserved the location near the former dam site. Everyone is to bring something for the potluck. We should feel free to invite any council people. Fran is to bring pizza. We had about 50 people last year. Fran is to call Barb Pophol to bring dinnerware. We are encouraging people to bring reusable dinnerware. Frank will check on who will bring soft drinks. Fran is to bring a bocci set. People are to come at 6PM. Frank can come early if needed. Agenda of the meeting would be the nominations.
Cuyahoga River Tour on Sat., June 18
Ginny is set to host this. All who cannot come and signed up should let her know.
Nominations for officers
Larry provided an update via email. Carolyn is running and nominated to be on the board. We discussed other nominations. Frank will follow up with the nominees for the director opening for Kathy's position.
Frank will look into a speaker about brownfields. Ginny has found many of the speakers for this year. We do not have a program chairperson for the coming year. Fran suggested we could take turns taking topics. We discussed alternating activities and presentations. Gasland is something we could continue to watch together. We discussed having no meeting on August if the brownfield presentation falls through. We discussed whether the Botanical Garden or area museums have a speaker's bureau?
Youth corps
Key Club at Mayfield High School works with Mr. Turk. They are looking for projects. Jeanette is to follow up with Mr. Turk to tell him that Fran and Larry will be in touch with him.
Listing of goals
Carolyn noted a list of goals that include survey of the watershed issues, youth corps, speaker's bureau, membership drive, rain gardens, and interest areas of members. Metroparks could share information from the meeting we attended. Meiring and Larry are addressing rain gardens.
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