Wednesday, June 5, 2013

July meeting

We are still asking for donations for our current land acquisition initiatives that include property in Richmond Heights. Click HERE for more details about this property.    
Click    HERE    to access our  Donate  feature.  

Here are the details from Barb Holtz (FOEC President) about our July meeting. 

Hello Friends,

Our next regular meeting is Tuesday, July 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the South Euclid Community Center. If you have a program schedule for the year, you will see a field trip was planned for July. Change of plans!
It is important we meet to discuss two important items:

1. We will ask members present to vote on changing the annual election of the Board from July to November for this year only. By-laws changes will be presented later this year that may make a November election date permanent. However, by-laws changes deserve careful thought and consideration. For this reason, the Board is asking now for permission to change the election date for 2013 only.

2. If you would be interested in serving on the by-laws revision committee, we will be asking for volunteers at our July meeting. (You must be a current member, that is, have paid dues annually.)

After the business portion of our meeting is over, we will watch the film, Greenfire, about Aldo Leopold.

Here is a link if you would like to learn more about the movie:

I hope you will join us next week. It's good to stay in touch with each other and learn more about our watershed!

Peace, Barb Holtz

P.S. There will be no membership meeting in August. We'll gather together again on September 3rd.

Barb Holtz called the meeting to order on June 19, 2013 at the South Euclid Library.  Present were Gary Bloom, Christi Carlson, Carolyn Suguichi, Judy Dearden, Jeanette Evans, Rick Evans, Ken M. Rapport, and Ginny Aveni.  We discussed the following.

. Wild Plant ID
By majority vote we agreed to support this grant proposal.

. Elections
Christi will ask at the July general meeting to move elections to November and for volunteers for the nominating committee.

. Bylaws 
Christi will ask at the July general meeting for volunteers to review the bylaws. We discussed having the Finance Committee review the bylaws.

. Membership
We discussed that a member is someone who pays dues annually as a rolling membership.

. Board Structure
We discussed Barb's handout. 

. Treasurer 
We voted unanimously for Rick Evans to fill the vacant Treasurer position and Ken M. Rapport to fill the Director vacancy.  

Thank you to Frank Skala for providing the photos that show the Fragile Ecosystem sign that appears near the area FOEC helped to preserve and the dusty goldenrod that is in the ecologically sensitive meadow part of the this ecosystem.