Thursday, August 16, 2012

Survey 8/7

Thank you to Barb Holtz for transcribing these results from our 8/7 meeting survey. 

Outcome from Meeting Survey - August 7, 2012

What do we want people to know about Euclid Creek watershed - or - what is our take home message when talking to people about the watershed?
·         Most asked question: What is a watershed? How important it is to drinking water and health
·         That there is an organization helping the watershed - FOEC (5)
·         What you do in your yard can have an impact on Lake Erie (5)
·         Trying to find out. Also trying to find out group's attitude about deer.
·         it's not just a Metropark (5)
·         You are an owner
·         How does this affect me? Why should I care? (5)
·         You drink this water (2)

Who needs to know about Euclid Creek watershed - or - who is our audience & who should be our audience?
·         Homeowners - what they do on their property affect EC watershed (5)
·         All the homeowners who are too busy or tired to attend meetings such as FOEC (2)
·         Willoughby Hills (2)
·         Beachwood (no representation) (1)
·         Euclid & Cleveland
·         City councils & planning commissions (14)
·         Students (3)

Not serving now but should
·         Students a bit more (3)
·         Many business owners live elsewhere and seem unaware of watershed issues here (1)
·         Are all governments aware of us?
·         Cities and city councils in the watershed like Highland Hts. (2)

What do we do? How do we share the "good news" about Euclid Creek watershed? (sparsely  answered)
·         Educational events/outreach (5)
·         Some of us pass on what we have learned to those in other organizations or family members

                (Probably should be under category below)
o   Speak at council meetings once a year (14)
o   Feed them, entertain them and then they will come (1)
o   Find a celebrity person/high profile to endorse our watershed (Dick Goddard, Betsy Cling, Robin Swoboda) (12)
o   Speakers bureau to churches, temples (5)

What should we do but we're not?
·         Provide an incentive for membership
·         Target schools, churches and businesses  - fundraising, community service (2)
·         Ask for FOEC members to volunteer to have the monthly meeting at their house. This would put the meeting near or on a creek in many cases (1)
·         Have an article in places like the Plain Dealer or Cleveland Magazine, Sun Messenger (11)
·         Have a voice in community government decisions;  work to change ordinances , e.g., weed laws (4)
·         Have FOEC reps talk bi-annually at city council meetings (4)
·         Become more involved with Beyond Pesticides Ohio
·         Should rotate our meetings in different watershed cities to attract different people (1)
·         Social media and marketing (4)
·         Send invitations to meetings
·         Recruit more professionals - fundraisers, corporate heads, scientists, teachers (8)

Program or field trip ideas? Note: Ideas are very field trip based
·         Natural areas - little known
·         Stream walks at ECR
·         Partner with Cleveland Metroparks to have "watershed day"
·         Nottingham filtration plant
·         Marcella property program and field trip
·         East branch EC - Highland to Richmond
·         Litter campaign
·         Visit other watersheds
·         Need more social interaction with members
What do you enjoy most about being a Friend of Euclid Creek?
·         (activ) Learning about what is being done city-wide to help watershed and environment
·         (activ/sci) Positive conservation and restoration for the "common good"
·         (edu) Programs/speakers
·         (activ) Group gets project done/on the ground
·         (activ) Wanting to get engaged in local issue - have a brook in my backyard that drains into east branch, would like to see invasive species pull and mitigation to area
·         (activ) The fact that the dusty goldenrod meadow easement exists because of FOEC (my "backyard")
·         (edu) Learning what to plant to prevent erosion in my "backyard" where the creek is
·         (sci) Knowing we monitor water
·         (sci) Water testing

Any other comments or ideas?
·         Outreach to interested teachers/schools; lead trips to EC natural areas (11)
·         Long term goal; buy land that is long term, eastern creeks part of EC watershed (3)
·         Buy land around SE present library; make building a watershed center (6)
·         Meet with Cleveland  Metroparks re: future plans (7)

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