Please let me know at if you would like information about our 2015 meetings. Here is some of the information about our meetings and related events. These are subject to change so please let me know at about the latest information.
Friends of Euclid Creek Monthly Meeting
Tue., May. 5 Please stay tuned for details.
Friends of Euclid Creek Monthly Meeting
Tue., Jan. 6, 6:30-8:30pm, NEW MEETING LOCATION - Acacia Reservation - Dino’s at Acacia, 26899 Cedar Road, Lyndhurst, 44124 - Entrance off Cedar Road.
Topic: Euclid Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) talk—Jeremiah Swetel, Euclid’s Compliance Manger, will talk about Euclid WWTP’s federally mandated upgrades, green infrastructure and the impact to Euclid Creek watershed.
Friends of Euclid Creek Monthly Meeting
Tue., Feb. 3, 7:00-9:00pm (NEW MEETING TIME), Acacia Reservation - Dino’s at Acacia, 26899 Cedar Road, 44124
Topic: Biomimicry Talk—Carol Thaler, Outreach and Admin. Director, Great Lakes Biomimicry, will talk about the emerging Biomimicry industry - the imitation of natural biological designs/processes in engineering/invention.
Euclid Creek Watershed Council Meeting
Thur., Feb. 12, 8:00-9:30am, Euclid, please RSVP.
Friends of Euclid Creek Monthly Meeting
Tue., Mar. 3, 7:00-9:00pm, Acacia Reservation - Dino’s at Acacia, 26899 Cedar Road, 44124
Topic: Cuyahoga Area of Concern (AOC)—Jane Goodman, Executive Director, Cuyahoga River Community Planning Org., will discuss Euclid Creek as part of AOC and progress toward restoration of beneficial use impairments.
Euclid Creek Public Involvement Committee Meeting
Fri., Mar. 13, 9:00-10:30am, Collinwood Recreation Center, Cleveland, please RSVP.
Friends of Euclid Creek Monthly Meeting
Tue., Apr. 7, 7:00-9:00pm, Acacia Reservation - Dino’s at Acacia, 26899 Cedar Road, 44124
Topic: Lake Erie Water Quality Update—Sarah Orlando, Ohio Sea Grant Extension Educator, will discuss research on non-point source pollution in Lake Erie and information on harmful algae blooms.
Wildwood & Euclid Beach Spring Cleanup
Sat., May 16, 10:00am-noon, Wildwood Park and Euclid Beach, Cleveland.
Volunteers will help Euclid Creek Watershed Partners clean up the Wildwood Bioswale Garden and Wildwood Lacustrine Wetland, or you can participate in the Beach Cleanup with the Euclid Beach Adopt-a-Beach Team. More details closer to the date.
A Day in the Life of Euclid Creek
Sat., July 18, 9:00am-2:30pm, Acacia, Euclid Creek Reservation & Wildwood Park
Help take a snapshot of Euclid Creek starting near the headwaters in Acacia Reservation and ending at the confluence with Lake Erie in Wildwood Park. At each location, volunteers will help test water quality, bugs and fish with demonstrations offered by natural