Friday, December 26, 2014

2015 meetings

2015 Meetings 

Please let me know at if you would like information about our 2015 meetings. Here is some of the information about our meetings and related events. These are subject to change so please let me know at about the latest information.

Friends of Euclid Creek Monthly Meeting
Tue., May. 5   Please stay tuned for details.

Friends of Euclid Creek Monthly Meeting
Tue., Jan.  6, 6:30-8:30pm, NEW MEETING LOCATION - Acacia Reservation - Dino’s at Acacia, 26899 Cedar Road, Lyndhurst, 44124 - Entrance off Cedar Road.
Topic: Euclid Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) talk—Jeremiah Swetel, Euclid’s Compliance Manger, will talk about Euclid WWTP’s federally mandated upgrades, green infrastructure and the impact to Euclid Creek watershed.
Friends of Euclid Creek Monthly Meeting
Tue., Feb. 3, 7:00-9:00pm (NEW MEETING TIME), Acacia Reservation - Dino’s at Acacia, 26899 Cedar Road, 44124
Topic: Biomimicry Talk—Carol Thaler, Outreach and Admin. Director, Great Lakes Biomimicry, will talk about the emerging Biomimicry industry - the imitation of natural biological designs/processes in engineering/invention.
Euclid Creek Watershed Council Meeting
Thur., Feb. 12, 8:00-9:30am, Euclid, please RSVP.
Friends of Euclid Creek Monthly Meeting
Tue., Mar. 3, 7:00-9:00pm, Acacia Reservation - Dino’s at Acacia, 26899 Cedar Road, 44124
Topic: Cuyahoga Area of Concern (AOC)—Jane Goodman, Executive Director, Cuyahoga River Community Planning Org., will discuss Euclid Creek as part of AOC and progress toward restoration of beneficial use impairments.
Euclid Creek Public Involvement Committee Meeting
Fri., Mar. 13, 9:00-10:30am, Collinwood Recreation Center, Cleveland, please RSVP.
Friends of Euclid Creek Monthly Meeting
Tue., Apr. 7, 7:00-9:00pm, Acacia Reservation - Dino’s at Acacia, 26899 Cedar Road, 44124
Topic: Lake Erie Water Quality Update—Sarah Orlando, Ohio Sea Grant Extension Educator, will discuss research on non-point source pollution in Lake Erie and information on harmful algae blooms.
Wildwood & Euclid Beach Spring Cleanup
Sat., May 16, 10:00am-noon, Wildwood Park and Euclid Beach, Cleveland. 
Volunteers will help Euclid Creek Watershed Partners clean up the Wildwood Bioswale Garden and Wildwood Lacustrine Wetland, or you can participate in the Beach Cleanup with the Euclid Beach Adopt-a-Beach Team.  More details closer to the date.
A Day in the Life of Euclid Creek
Sat., July 18, 9:00am-2:30pm, Acacia, Euclid Creek Reservation & Wildwood Park
Help take a snapshot of Euclid Creek starting near the headwaters in Acacia Reservation and ending at the confluence with Lake Erie in Wildwood Park. At each location, volunteers will help test water quality, bugs and fish with demonstrations offered by natural

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

2015 Meetings - new location and time

Please join us in 2015 the first Tuesday of the month.
Acacia Reservation, 26899 Cedar Road, Lyndhurst, 44124
7PM to 9PM
Let me know at if you have any questions about the speaker.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

2015 Meetings

Please let me know at for details about changes in location for our 2015 meetings plus the schedule of topics.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

December 2 and 2015 meetings

December 2 annual holiday party 

Don't miss our annual holiday party. 

When:  December 02 at 6:30pm
Where: Mayfield Village Community Room, 6621 Wilson Mills Road Mayfield, OH 44143

2015 meetings

Please let me know at for details about changes in location for our 2015 meetings plus the schedule of topics.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

November and December events

November 3 meeting

Join us for an exciting State Legislative Update from Jack Shaner, Government Liaison for the Ohio Environmental Council.

Please note that this meeting is on a Monday - not FOEC's regular Tuesday meeting night.

We have a special treat in store with this meeting! Jack Shaner, Government Liaison for the Ohio Environmental Council, will update us on current environmental legislation scheduled for debate in the Ohio State Legislature. Topics are sure to include actions to control harmful algae blooms in Lake Erie and recent attempts by the legislature to roll back alternative energy projects in the state.

The meeting location has been relocated for this special event, as well as the night of the week. Please note the changes below:

Date:             Monday, November 3, 2014
Time:             6:30 PM
Location:       Beachwood Community Center
                     25325 Fairmount Blvd. (West of Richmond Rd.)
                     Beachwood, Ohio 44122
                     (Beachwood and Chagrin Rooms)

Please join us and bring a friend, for this highly engaging program. Come rate your candidates on important environmental issues!

December 2 annual holiday party

Don't miss our annual holiday party.

When:  December 02 at 6:30pm
Where: Mayfield Village Community Room, 6621 Wilson Mills Road Mayfield, OH 44143

Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District now has a blog

Be sure to visit the following new CSWCD blog.

January, 2015, preview

Stay tuned for details on our upcoming programs for 2015 including where we will hold our meetings.

October 11 event thank you

Sincere thanks go out to all who helped with the Highland Heights planting that included these deer resistant beauties like asters, ferns, and spice bush.

Monday, October 13, 2014

November 3 meeting

Join us for an exciting State Legislative Update from Jack Shaner, Deputy Director/Senior Director of Legislative & Public Affairs from the Ohio Environmental Council.

Please note that this meeting is on a Monday - not FOEC's regular Tuesday meeting night

When: November 03 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Where: Beachwood Community Center, 25325 Fairmount Blvd Beachwood, OH 44122
map this 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October and November events

October 7 - Meeting

Please join us Tuesday, October 7, 2014, at our general meeting to hear Frank Greenland, Director of Watershed Programs with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.
Mr. Greenland will discuss two Sewer District programs aimed at improving water quality in the Lake Erie Watershed. With the recent events in Toledo, this is a topic that concerns everyone and supports our goal to advocate for the health of the Euclid Creek watershed.
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: South Euclid Community Center
1370 Victory Drive
South Euclid, Ohio 44121
(behind Giant Eagle on Mayfield)
Please join us for this highly informative program and learn how the Euclid Creek Watershed impacts water quality in Lake Erie

Oct. 11 - Restoration Planting in Highland Heights

Saturday, Oct. 11, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District and the Friends of Euclid Creek are holding a Restoration Planting Project at the newly conserved property on Bishop Road.

If you would like to help install plants and clean up trash at the site, call 216-524-6580 x16 to register or for details.

November 3 - Meeting

When: November 03 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Where: Beachwood Community Center, 25325 Fairmount Blvd Beachwood, OH 44122
map this 
Join us for an exciting State Legislative Update from Jack Shaner, Deputy Director/Senior Director of Legislative & Public Affairs from the Ohio Environmental Council.

Please note that this meeting is on a Monday - not FOEC's regular Tuesday meeting night.

Please let me know at if you have any questions.

Here are some of the deer resistant plants for our October 11 planting in Highland Heights.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

September and October meetings

Please join us Tuesday, September 2, at our general meeting to hear certified tree Arborist, Mr. Al Klonowski, speak about the title, challenges facing our water and soil.” Mr. Klonowksi evaluated the Redstone Run property in Richmond Heights, and was instrumental in identifying the trees on the property. His findings were included in a report for the grant process.
Mr. Klonowski’s presentation coincides with recent USA Today headlines of “Ohio’s 4th largest city has no drinking water.” We all know that the water supply of Toledo was contaminated last month when a toxic algae bloom entered the supply intake pipes on Lake Erie. Could Cleveland be next? Come find out at our next meeting!

Location:  South Euclid Community Center
                 1370 Victory Drive
                 (behind Giant Eagle on Mayfield)

                 South Euclid, Ohio 44121
Time:        6:30 PM

Please join us for this educational program and learn how the Euclid Creek Watershed impacts water quality in Lake Erie.

For our October, meeting, please stay tuned for details. 

Oct. 4 - Euclid Creek Water Monitors Needed

This message is from Claire Posius.

Hello Euclid Creek Volunteer Monitors,

I wanted to let you know about an exciting monitoring event coming up in the Euclid Creek that was spearheaded by the Cleveland Metroparks. It’s called A Day in the Life of Euclid Creek and is happening on Saturday, Oct. 4, 8:00am-2:00pm, at all 3 Cleveland Metroparks Reservations in Euclid Creek - Acacia, Euclid Creek Reservation & Wildwood Park.  We’re going to have monitoring activities going on at each site throughout the day for the public to see, led by the Metroparks staff, NEORSD, and Lou Rifici. They will lead a training with our equipment at Wildwood (see detailed schedule below) and we’re hoping that you all can help out too. 

What we’d like is to have each of our 5 Euclid Creek sites monitored that morning any time between 8am and 12:30pm, and then everyone who has collected data will present the results from the day at Wildwood Picnic Pavilion around 1:00pm (lunch provided!).  Sierra Club Water Sentinels will also be monitoring a few additional sites in Euclid Creek that morning. 

I wanted to see if you’d be able to and interested in helping us out by monitoring a site that morning?  Lou Rifici will have one set of equipment as he’ll be leading the training at Wildwood from 11:30-1:00 – then we’ll all meet up at the pavilion at Wildwood to present results from each of the sites.   So we need volunteers to monitor the remaining 4 sites - Chardon/White site, Highland Metroparks site, Schaefer Park and South Euclid-Lyndhurst – but we’ll only have 1 set of equipment to share, so there will be some added coordination I’ll work on with you closer to the date. 

Let me know if you’re able to help – and if you’re uncomfortable presenting the results I’m happy to help.

Here are more details about the day:
Help take a snapshot of Euclid Creek starting near the headwaters in Acacia Reservation and ending at the confluence with Lake Erie in Wildwood Park. At each location, volunteers will help test water quality and other measures of stream quality with demonstrations offered by natural resource staff and educators. For more details call 216-524-6580x16 or to register for the lunch portion, go to

And here is the schedule:
·   Acacia Reservation: 8-9am (Meet in the Cedar Rd. parking lot). Learn about water quality sampling and restoration plans for Acacia Reservation.

Euclid Creek Reservation: 9:45-10:45am (Meet at Upper Highland Picnic Area Shelter). Discover the world of macroinvertebrates and why they are a good measure of stream habitat quality.

Wildwood Park at Euclid Creek Reservation: 11:30-1:30pm (Meet at the Wildwood Shelter). See a demonstration of electrofishing, a technique used to assess fish populations including numbers and species. Enjoy a light lunch while hearing about the day's results and the health of Euclid Creek.
·   For additional information or to register for the lunch portion of the event, go to or call 440-887-1968.

And of course, this will serve as our monthly monitoring for October.

Thanks for considering helping – it should be a fun day!
Claire Posius
Euclid Creek Watershed Coordinator
Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District
6100 West Canal Road
Valley View, Ohio  44125

Like Cuyahoga SWCD on Facebook!
Like Friends of Euclid Creek on Facebook!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

August 6 meeting at Greenwood Farm

Our Wednesday, August 6, meeting starts at 6:30 at Greenwood Farm and is a joint meeting with the Highland Heights Green Task Force and Greenwood Farms Association. Please let me know at if you have any questions.

For more information about Greenwood Farm please see

Here is a map showing Greenwood Farm at 264 Richmond Road, Richmond Heights.

This is a message from FOEC President Christi Carlson.

Please join us next month at the next monthly meeting for a “Midsummer’s Eve Social” at Greenwood Farm. This meeting is a unique collaboration, with the Highland Heights Green Task Force, so that we may offer you diverse programming.

The meeting is on a different night and at a different location.  You can expect more surprises down stream with Friends of Euclid Creek!

Please note the details below:         Wednesday, August 6, 2014        6:30 PM

Location:       Greenwood Farms
                264 Richmond Road (north of Cuyahoga County Airport)
                Richmond Heights, Ohio

ACTIVITIES:     Meeting, Greenwood Farms tour, creek walk, and food and drink.

Claire Posius, Euclid Creek Watershed Coordinator, will discuss the ecological importance of Greenwood Farms as it relates to the watershed. We will also learn more about the green infrastructure project recently constructed on the site.

Dr. Roy Larick, of Bluestone Heights, will offer his perspective on how the Eastern Branch of Euclid Creek weaves nature and culture together to create a sustainable place in this highly sensitive part of the watershed.

What better way to spend a summer evening, than down by Euclid Creek. We will see you there! It will be fun!

Presentation on SB310

Thank you to Ken Rapport for his presentation - made on our members to members night - on SB310 - viewable HERE.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Scholarship winner announced - Great news!

We are pleased to announce that we have awarded our Friends of Euclid Creek Scholarship in Environmental Studies to Anne Roberto who is pursuing environmental studies at Tri-C, planning to transfer to CSU to obtain an bachelor's degree in environmental science with focus in biology.

Annie stated in her application letter that it is her "goal to become an environmental scientist working in the field of wildlife conservation. I am also interested in the field of sustainability and the career of a sustainability specialist."

"I have had an interest in environmental science from a young age ... and ... grew up in South Euclid.. where the Euclid Creek runs through my backyard...playing and exploring in the creek. I had an interest and curiosity in the different changes that occurred within the creek from different environmental factors such as the weather, and also human factors like pollution."
"Growing up, being surrounded by nature stirred a passion in me to want to work towards preserving it. I am quite concerned with the effects of pollution in my community as well as the rest of the planet, and the effects on human health."

"I am connecting more pieces each day through my education and gaining insight into the environmental systems, and the detrimental effects that cause changes to them. I am hoping that through my education I can help protect and preserve not only wildlife, but also help make a difference in the negative effects on our planet."

In with the new

Congratulations go to our new officers.
  • President - Christi Carlson
  • Vice President - Ken Messinger-Rapport
  • Treasurer - Rick Evans
  • Secretary - Jeanette Evans
  • Directors: Barb Holtz, Chris Vild, Gary Bloom
Chris Vild and Rick Evans are about to start the second year of their two-year term. The rest of the offcers are beginning a new two-year term.

A huge thank you goes to Barb Holtz for completing her term as President. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

July 1 meeting invitation from our President

Hello Friends,
It's time again for our monthly Friends of Euclid Creek meeting! Please join us on Tuesday, July 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the South Euclid Community Center. It's our annual member talks night. This is when we here from our own for 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes on a variety of environmental topics.  There are still speaker spots left. If you have something you'd like to share, please contact Fran Hogg at

As we plan for future membership meeting programs, we welcome your suggestions. Is there a watershed/environment topic you would like to learn more about? Feel free to share your ideas with us at the July meeting.

As the time as FOEC president comes to a close, I'd like to thank you all for your support. Our group continues to grow and accomplish much. My hope is for each one of you to take an active role as we "Speak for the Creek."

Happy summer, Barb Holtz

Monday, June 16, 2014

July and August events - Visit Greenwood Farm

For our July 1 meeting we want to hear from you. Our annual Member Talks invite FOEC members to share a 5-15 minute presentation on a watershed topic of their choice. 

To schedule a talk please contact Fran Hogg or Jeanette Evans ( Join us Tuesday, July 1, at 6:30 at the South Euclid Community Center.

Our Wednesday, August 6, meeting starts at 6:30 at Greenwood Farm and is a joint meeting with the Highland Heights Green Task Force and Greenwood Farms Association. Please let me know at if you have any questions.

June 23 is the Greenwood Farm Social 5:30 and Annual Meeting 6:30.
has detailed information.

Here is a map showing Greenwood Farm at 264 Richmond Road, Richmond Heights.

Recycling Game You Might Like

New Game Aims to Give Garbage a New Life

Think for a moment about all of the trash produced in a week, in a month, or in a year. Instead of all that trash going into a landfill, could more of it be recycled and given a new life? As a part of Keep America Beautiful and the Ad Council’s “I Want To Be Recycled” campaign, St. John & Partners has created a new interactive online game called Super Sorter that educates gamers on the different ways items can be sorted and recycled.

The Super Sorter game takes place in a material recovery facility (MRF) where mixed recyclables are separated by different types of sorters. The goal of the game is to sort all of the materials in the queue as they progress down the conveyor belt and send the recyclables on their way to becoming something new and valuable. If you miss too many recyclables, and they end up in the landfill, you lose the level. Complete all seven levels and you are a Super Sorter!

The game is free and can be played at

The “I Want To Be Recycled” campaign builds on a great legacy of environmentally-focused public service announcements (PSAs), targeting sporadic recyclers and aiming to generate awareness and understanding of how, where and what to recycle. The Super Sorter game was created to engage a new generation of environmental stewards, building on data showing that 97% of teens (and more than 4 in 5 young adults) play computer, web, portable or console games. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Our June 3 Picnic Meeting

Please join us for our Annual Meeting and Picnic!
Tuesday, June 3 at 6:00 p.m. (dinner around 6:30)
Rear Quarry Reserved Picnic Area
Euclid Creek Reservation
FOEC will provide pizza and beverage
**Please bring a dish to share and your table setting.**
Besides good food and conversation, we will have our election of officers. Here is the slate:
  • President - Christi Carlson
  • Vice President - Ken Messinger-Rapport
  • Treasurer - Rick Evans
  • Secretary - Jeanette Evans
  • Directors: Barb Holtz, Chris Vild, Gary Bloom
Nominations for additional directors will be taken from the floor. If you are nominating someone, they must have previously agreed to accept the nomination.

Hope you can join us!

Barb Holtz

Greater Cleveland Trail & Greenways Conference

Recognizing the value of trails and greenways as Pathways to Healthy Communities, decision makers, planners and practitioners, and trail advocates from around Greater Cleveland will gather on June 12th, 2014 in Mayfield Village, Ohio to share ideas, discover new tools, and set the stage to transform plans and concepts into successfully completed projects.

Please see for details.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

May, June, July meetings

Every month Friends of Euclid Creek gathers to raise our awareness about watershed issues and how we can help. We’d like to invite you to join us! Here’s what’s coming up, starting at 6:30 PM, for each meeting:
  • May 6: Redstone Run Highland Reserve field trip to the property conserved in Richmond Hts. last year by FOEC. Discover more about the forest cover as well as the geology of the area with archeologist, Roy Larick, and arborist, Alan Klonowski. We start at 6:30. Let me know at if you have any questions. See the map below. 
  • June 3: Annual Meeting and Picnic in the Cleveland Metroparks Euclid Creek Reservation.
  • July 1: Member Talks—We want to hear from you! Our annual Member Talks invite FOEC members to share a 5 - 15 minute presentation on a watershed topic of their choice.
This map shows the location of the Redstone Run Highland Reserve property. Please let me know at if you have any questions.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

March meeting, upcoming events

A reminder that our next Friends of Euclid Creek meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the South Euclid Community Center.

This is your chance to hear our program that was cancelled in January due to weather. Representatives from Beyond Pesticides and Good Nature Lawn Care will speak to us about environmental and health problems associated with pesticides/herbicides and about organic lawns, respectively.

I'll also be updating the group on our land conservation priorities and other FOEC business. Don't forget to bring your calendars! We have an exciting list of events planned for spring - fall. We need all hands on deck to share the volunteering wealth!

Barb Holtz


Upcoming Events

Blue headings = public meetings

Green headings = FOEC volunteer opportunities


Cleveland Metroparks Lakefront Reservation (including Wildwood/Villa Angela and Euclid Beach) Public Open House

Thur., March 6, Collinwood Recreation Center, 4:30-6:00pm

This open house will allow people to visit six different topical tables (natural resources, general information, programming, etc.) staffed by subject matter experts. 

If you cannot make this meeting date and time, there is another duplicate meeting on Tue., March 4 at the same time at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 6928 Detroit Ave.


Ohio EPA Public Hearing on Cuyahoga Dredge Disposal Proposal in Lake Erie

Thur., March 6, Martin Luther King Jr. Branch of the Cleveland Public Library (1962 Stokes Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio, 44106), 4:30-6:00pm

Ohio EPA is hosting a public hearing to discuss the Army Corps proposal to dispose of 180,000 cubic yards of dredge sediment from the Cuyahoga River navigation channel to a new open lake disposal area.  Currently this sediment is being disposed of in Confined Disposal Facilities.


Rain Barrel Workshop Acacia Reservation - Lyndhurst

Sat., March 22, 10:00-11:30am, Acacia Reservation, Lyndhurst

Registration required by March 14 - Contact Claire Posius to register and for details - 216-524-6580x16 or email


EarthFest 2014
Sun. April 13, 10:00am-5:00pm, Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds

Stop by our Euclid Creek table at the event!

Beachwood Entrovation (formerly the Green Dream Showcase)
Fri., May 2, noon-6:00pm, Beachwood Community Center

Rain Barrel Workshop & Sale - Euclid

Sat., May 10, 10:00am-11:30am, Euclid Historical Society

Registration required by April 25 (Call 216-524-6580x16 to register)


Wildwood Wetland Planting and Bioswale/Beach Cleanup

Sat., May 17, 9:00am-noon, Wildwood Lakefront Reservation, Cleveland

Euclid Creek Watershed Program partners, Cleveland Metroparks and Euclid Beach Adopt-a-Beach Team - This is a River Day 2014 event
Contact Claire Posius to register and for details - 216-524-6580x16

If you are interested in harvesting nuphar / spadderdock from Singer Bog in Geauga County the week before, contact Contact Claire Posius for details - 216-524-6580x16, (sometime week of May 12)


Rain Barrel Workshop/Compost Seminar - Richmond Heights
Tue., July 15, 6:30-8:30pm, Greenwood Farm, Richmond Heights

Registration required by July 7 - Contact Claire Posius to register and for details


Euclid Beach Blast, 4th annual
Sat., August 2, time TBD, Euclid Beach Lakefront Reservation

For more information, email or call (216)-571-0685.  Visit the Euclid Beach Adopt-a-Beach Team on Facebook!  


Lake Erie Boat Float, 6th Annual
Sat., Sept. 6, boat launch at 10:00am, Edgewater Reservation beach

More details closer to the date or visit the Facebook page (We want to have an FOEC boat!)

Wildwood Stream and Wetland Cleanup

Sat., Sept. 20, 10:00am-noon, Wildwood Lakefront Reservation, Cleveland

Contact Claire Posius to register and for details - 216-524-6580x16


Richmond Heights Family Fun Fest at the Farm
Sat., Sept. 20, 1:00-5:00pm, Greenwood Farm, Richmond Heights
More details closer to the date or visit the City's website



River Rally 2014 in Pittsburgh

    May 30-June 2, Pittsburgh, PA

    Join over 750 advocates for healthy rivers and watersheds gathering at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers.  To learn more about this national conference which includes educational workshops, inspiring speakers, field tours, etc., click here.

Ohio Stormwater Conference 2014

    June 4-6, John S Knight Convention Center, Akron

    Tour of Euclid Creek projects part of conference


Greater Cleveland Trails & Greenways Conference

    Thur., June 12, 700 Beta Banquet & Conference Center, Mayfield Village

Cleveland Sustainability Summit