Thursday, August 29, 2013

September meeting and Redstone Run events on Oct. 4 and Oct. 5

We are still asking for donations for our current land acquisition initiatives that include the Redstone Run property in Richmond Heights. Click HERE for more details about this BEAUTIFUL property. Click HERE to access our Donate feature.

Please click HERE for details about our October 4 fundraising event to support this land conservation activity. Click Redstone Run Benefit to see the invitation.

Click Redstone Run Cleanup to see the flier about the October 5 cleanup event.


Here is a message from FOEC president Barb Holtz about our upcoming September meeting.

" ... our September meeting will feature short presentations by none other than our members! We could use two to three more folks that are interested in presenting a 5, 10 or 15 minute program around a topic of your choice...a topic that is connected to the health of the watershed, an environmental issue, sustainable living, or related theme.

We would love to hear from YOU!"

If you would like to share your voice with the friendly FOEC crowd, please let know.

Please join us on Tuesday, September 3, at 6:30 pm for our next Friends of Euclid Creek meeting. We will be meeting at South Euclid Community Center.

Our lastest list of presenters include:
1.      Bill McReynolds - Geosynthetics in Landfill Construction (5 mins.)
2.      Rick Evans - LED Lighting (10 mins.)
3.      Cathi Lehn - Detrimental Effects of Outdoor Cats on Wildlife, LEAP Initiative (10 mins.)
4.      Christi Carlson - Tree Academy (10 mins.)
5.      Brian Gilbert - Plant ID App (10 mins.)
6.      Connie Herron - Redstone Run (15 mins.)

We also have much to share about upcoming events at Redstone Run (our newest land holding), Acacia Reservation and Wildwood


Thank you to Connie Herron for providing these photos of our June 4 picnic.


Here are some notes about our July meeting held at the South Euclid Community Center. Christi Carlson called the meeting to order and introduced guest Kenny Yuko who spoke of his strong support for the work of FOEC and how he is running for Ohio Senate. Christi then covered the following business issues before showing Greenfire about Aldo Leopold.

1. Over 2/3 of those present voted yes on changing the annual election of the Board from July to November for this year only. Note that by-laws changes will be presented later this year that may make a November election date permanent. However, by-laws changes deserve careful thought and consideration. For this reason, the Board is asking now for permission to change the election date for 2013 only.

2. Those who volunteered to serve on the by-laws revision committee include Larry McFadden, Ginny Aveni, Rick Evans, Ken M. Rapport, and Jeanette Evans.

3. Barb Pophol volunteered to work on membership fee reminders and could join the membership subcommittee.

Dates we discussed include deadline of Sept. 4 for Board to agree on the nominating committee names while October 22 is deadline to get notice of the slate to the members. Nov. 5 or before is when member voting should be on the new slate.


Here are notes that we are currently reviewing

Claire Posius called the meeting at the South Euclid Community Center to order around 6:30. Present were Claire Posius, Ginny Aveni, Judy Dearden, Brian Gilbert, Meiring Borcherds, Mary K. Evans, Frank Skala, Connie Herron, Ken M. Rapport, Jeanette Evans, Rick Evans, Barb Holtz, Christi Carlson, and Gary Bloom. We discussed the following topics.

Redstone Run property
- Possible dates of October 4 for the wine and cheese fund raiser and October 5 for the planting event were discussed
- For the wine and cheese fund raiser, the cost would be $35 per person. For those donating at least $150, the cost would be free. 250 invitations is the estimate.
- For the planting event, we discussed items needed per Derek Schaefer's list.

Website redesign
We reviewed Google Analytics reports and mockups of the new site.

Claire proposed a single newsletter.


Here are notes that we are curently reviewing.

Present at the July 17, 2013, meeting held at the South Euclid Library were Steve Albro, Carolyn Suguichi, Christi Carlson, Barb Holtz, Ginny Aveni, Ken M. Rapport, Frank Skala, Jeanette Evans, Rick Evans, and Gary Bloom. Barb called the meeting to order and led the discussion on the following.

Wild Plant ID
We got a majority vote to enter into the contract.

By Laws
Larry, Carolyn, and Ken will be on the committee. We will go to the membership to get more people on the committee. Meetings should start in early September.

Elections and nominations
Ginny will head this up. We need a committee by September 5.

RH property
We discussed items needed and bills.

At the last general meeting, Barb Pophol volunteered to help with membership. Frank plans to follow up with Barb and discussed ideas related to membership.

Barb asked Jeanette to email minutes to the board.

We discussed moving from PNC to Huntington.


Thank you to Frank Skala for providing the photos that show the Fragile Ecosystem sign that appears near the area FOEC helped to preserve and the dusty goldenrod that is in the ecologically sensitive meadow part of the this ecosystem.


We are still reviewing these notes.

Present at the August 21 steering committee meeting taking place at the South Euclid Librarywas Christi Carlson, Ginny Aveni, Connie Herron, Jeanette Evans, Rick Evans, Gary Bloom, Judy Dearden, Barb Holtz, and Carolyn Suguichi. Barb called the meeting to order around 7PM. We discussed the following.

1. Recap/updates

Barb reviewed the board structure and committees. The By-Laws Committee includes Larry, Carolyn, and Ken. Ginny heads up the Nominating Committee. Christi now heads up the Membership Committee.

We voted to accept the recommendation of the Membership Committee to have four levels of member - individual at $20, family at $30, senior/student at $15, and other.

2. Redstone Run

Ginny discussed plans for the October 4 event.

3. Teacher contact

Christi and the group discussed the topic mentioning Greenview Elementary, Cub Scouts, and Girl Scouts.

4. Giveaways

We discussed options.

5. Raising funds for land conservation

We discussed Goodsearch, Indians Concessions, and California Pizza Kitchen. Concerning grants we discussed the Fresh Water grant and AIG Honor Project.

6. Other

Barb wants us to meet again to continue discussion of goal setting and strategic planning

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