Thursday, May 16, 2013

June meeting

Here are the details from FOEC president Barb Holtz about our June picnic. 

"You are invited to join us at our Annual Friends of Euclid Creek Picnic on Tuesday, June 4, at 6:30 pm. Meet at the Rear Quarry Reservable Picnic Area in Euclid Creek Reservation, Cleveland Metroparks. Please bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share ~ pizza and beverage will be provided by FOEC. Don't forget to bring your own table service including a cup (reuseable preferred).

If you did not RSVP at our last FOEC meeting, please do so by June 1 to  Hope to see you there...Barb"

2013 Land Acquisition Initiative

We are still asking for donations for our current land acquisition initiative in Richmond Heights.

Click HERE for more details about this property. 
Click HERE to access our Donate feature.

As of May 15, we have had over 13,800 views on this blog.  Thanks for visiting. The photo comes from Daniel Hancock, a winner in our laat photo contest. 


Present at the May 15 meeting held at the South Euclid Library were Frank Skala, Steve Albro, Rick Evans, Ken Messinger Rapport, Jeanette Evans, Barb Holtz, Christi Carlson, Bill McReynolds, Judy Dearden, and Carolyn Sugiushi. 

Barb started the meeting with a presentation from David Lincheck, Executive Director, West Creek Conservancy. We then discussed the following business:

. Native plant app
. Picnic in June - Barb to follow up with details
. Meeting in July
. Elections - Jeanette to follow up with who is up for election

Our current officers include the following with those in bold running in this term.  

  • President - Barb Holtz (not running/mid term)
  • Vice President - Christi Carlson (not running/mid term)
  • Treasurer - Ken Messinger Rapport (running)
  • Secretary - Jeanette Evans  (not running/mid term)
  • Albro, Steve (not running/mid term)
  • Bloom, Gary (not running/mid term)
  • Dearden, Judy (not running/mid term)
  • Drasler, Lou (not running/mid term)
  • Evans, Rick (not running/mid term)
  • Hogg, Fran (not running/mid term)
  • McFadden, Larry (not running/mid term)
  • McReynolds, Bill (not running/mid term)
  • Skala, Frank (not running/mid term)
  • Sugiuchi, Carolyn (running)


Our Euclid Creek watershed coordinator Claire Posius was interviewed - about 2 weeks ago at the Wetland Planting event - by Ann Glausser of NPR and it aired recently. She also interviewed Richmond Heights students and residents helping with the planting.

The story and slide show are here:  Enjoy!  

Wildwood planting

Frank Skala at the Wildwood stream planting that recently took place.

Wildwood planting

The picture from Frank Skala shows the rerouting of the creek. Frank notes that the water in the lower right is diverted to the oxbow channel and backwater areas by the 12 foot high berm/embankment. The water comes out of the oxbow at the top left of the picture and resumes its course out to the mouth of the creek and Lake Erie. In the event of a 10 year flood, and superstorm Sandy came close, the water would go over the 12 foot high berm. 

Dusty goldenrod

Thank you to Frank Skala for providing this picture of dusty godenrod.  FOEC purchased a conservation easement with the dusty goldenrod meadow that is part of an area that is environmentally sensitive.This meadow is in Highland Heights and one of the first land acquisition initiatives of FOEC.  This purchase took place several years ago.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 4 planting

Here are some pictures from Frank Skala from the planting of wetland trees, grasses, and plants on Saturday May 4 at the Euclid Creek restoration project at Wildwood State Park. FOEC member Anna is in one picture. Another picture shows planting in the water. Anna's grandson is in the third picture.

Some of the plants include Rose Mallow, bristly sedge, pickerel weed, wood grass, silky dogwood, Peachleaf Willow.