Sunday, July 15, 2012

Steering committee

FOEC Steering Committee Meeting of June 20, 2012

In attendance: Frank Skala, Judy Deardon, Barb Holtz, Ginny Aveni, Fran Hogg, Christi Carlson, Lou Drasler, Ken Messinger-Rapport, Gary Bloom, Larry McFadden

Annual Picnic  
 July 3 at Rear Quarry Picnic Area - Euclid Creek Reservation, 6:00 pm arrive, 6:30 pm eat
Bring own table service and dish to share
We supply beverage and pizza
Barb Pophal to bring extra table settings for those who forget

Giving $35,000 to non-profits every year
Will not be able to offer this indefinitely so looking for groups to fund and working to keep these groups strong through strategic planning and fundraising
Barb Holtz and Frank Skala attended first meeting of Business Volunteers Unlimited (BVU) who has been brought in to help with this process

Structure of FOEC
Conversation began in regards to who we are as a group and where we are and want to go
Ginny provided a history of FOEC and our structure came to be

Finance Committee
Ken Messinger-Rapport distributed the budget
Need to set annual, short-term and long-term financial goal
Still need to fulfill Cuyahoga SWCD partnership
Looking to include in-kind (e.g., time and services volunteered) as part of budget

Great Lakes Compact
Discussed writing a letter to the Gov. Kasich on behalf of FOEC Steering Committee in support of raising the adequacy of the Great Lakes Compact (HB 473) - rolls back current protection of streams; up to 1 million gals. of water a day can be taken from Great Lakes by industry without a permit.
HB 473 has passed the Ohio House and Senate
As an aside, Gov. Kasich signed the Clean Ohio bill

Euclid Beach Blast and Claire's events
Stephen Love asked FOEC to be at Euclid Beach Blast event August 4 from 3-8 p.m.
We would have a tent and information; already paid for but would have to pay a $30 tent fee + need volunteers
Decided not to take part in event because we need for focus on how we do events as a group. FOEC struggling to get volunteers to do events - need to address this before take anything else on
Claire does not have anyone to help her at the June 27 rain barrel workshop; Fran Hogg offered to help

Marcella Property update
 Planted 100 plants
Between no rain and fire hydrant near property was hit, watering plants has been extremely difficult; Derek Shaffer has not followed through getting water to plants by supply permit to use hydrant, adapter, bung - Frank to contact Derek
Paid Kuntz Bros. to come out and water

Hawthorn Rd. property
Derek Shaffer assisting FOEC in acquiring 12 acres along Hawthorn Rd. in Highland Hts.
Money now available through various groups/government agencies so he can apply for grants; feels confident he can get the funding
 Derek is talking with the landowner now

Kathy Shaffer (guest)
Brought up that South Euclid library being sold with new library to be built across the street from Notre Dame College.
Question asked: Is this an issue for FOEC because the library and proposed development is in the watershed? What is going to happen to the current library property and building?

Respectfully submitted,
Barb Holtz
Substitute secretary

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