Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Meeting minutes

The April 18 steering committee meeting took place at the South Euclid library.

Frank Skala called the meeting to order around 7PM.  In attendance were Judy Dearden, Gary, Bill McReynolds, Frank, Larry, Rick, Jeanette, Carolyn, Barb Holtz, Ken, Ginny, and Fran Hogg.  Items discussed include the following.

May 1 meeting
The meeting and spring walk start at 6:30. Barb Holtz explained plans for the walk that she will lead. Location is the Highland Road picnic area at an available shelter house.

July meeting - picnic
Barb Holtz reserved the location.

Officers and directors
Larry provided an update on the upcoming elections.

June 5 meeting
Lou Rifici was invited as was the Metroparks Designer associated with the North Chagrin Nature Center.

Earth Week activities
Rick provided an update on activities at Rockwell.
Ken will work at the Philips and Green Dream events.

Bishop Road property
We discussed the status of the property.

Officer and directors duty descriptions
Larry provided descriptions from Roberts Rules of Order.
We are to send Larry duty descriptions if we have them.

No Child Left Behind
Larry asked the group and Barb in particular for ideas we could have at our table to support this program.

Barb asked for contributions by May 14.
FOEC educational activities provided during Highland Heights gas well drilling discussions could be covered in the upcoming newsletter.