Here are the minutes from the February 15 steering committee meeting held at the South Euclid Library. Attending the meeting were Gary, Lou, Larry, Fran Hogg, Rick Evans, Jeanette, Ken, Frank, Barb Holtz, and Steve Albro. Frank called the meeting to order around 7PM.
- March meeting - Frank Greenland will be the speaker.
- April meeting - Our member to member forum will include Barb, Rick, Lou, and Connie.
- FOEC newsletter - We agreed to reimburse Barb for the purchase of Publisher and discussed content, format, name, and dates for the newsletter.
- Scholarship - We agreed to February 15 for receiving the scholarship from applicants and May 1 for deciding who will be the recipient. It should be a 1-2 page letter and update to PO Box 21384 and zip code of 44121-0384. Jeanette will contact Meiring to get names of contacts at high schools and develop a scoring system.
- Grants - We discussed the letter to Jane Goodman. Ken is to revise and provide to Frank for signature. We are to cc Derek Schaefer on the letter. We discussed a possible WRSS grant working with Claire for the BIshop Road property. Ken noted that Metroparks did a wetlands assessment of the property. THe assessment included a naturalist and two assistants.
- Dues - We discussed placing information about dues in our newsletter.
- Officer elections - Larry updated us on how by May 1 he will develop a nominating committee for officer elections.
- Treasurer report - We agreed to renew membership in the Ohio Environmental Council. Ken provided the February budget report.
- Highland Heights gas well drilling - We discussed preparing a letter of concern in line with our role as educating the community. We can educate on the risks involved. Frank, Ken, Fran, and Jeanette can work on this with Frank and Ken beginning the draft.
- Earth Day - Rick explained he plans to provide information about the watershed and FOEC at Earth Day activities at Rockwell Automation in April.
- PrioritiesWith regard to our future priorities for land restoration, preservation, and conservation we reviewed briefly the following list, stated by geographic area in order of priority within each area.MAIN BRANCH (Euclid, Cleveland)
1.Spillway at Neff Rd.2. PJ playground3. Bioswale near Dille Rd.4. Any green space connecting Euclid Creek Reservation to Wildwood Park
EAST BRANCH (Highland Hts., Richmond Hts., Mayfield, Willoughby Hills)1. Vacant land on Bishop Road adjacent to Hawthorne Dr. and connecting with Highland Heights Community Park. –currently for sale, Howard Hannah2. Former Mayfair Country Club site, off of Highland Road3. Highland Hts. Community Park/Dusty Goldenrod Meadow north of Hawthorne Dr.4. Richmond Rd. and White Rd. - Greenwood Farm and ravine corridor5. Vacant land between Belwood and Lander Rds.
WEST BRANCH (South Euclid, Lyndhurst, Beachwood)
1. Land around S. Euclid Library, "mansion" on Dorsh Rd. and Palermo property connecting to Liberty trails corridor
2. Acacia Country Club
3. Open space around Notre Dame College
4. Around St. Margaret Mary and Quarry Park
5. Easement opportunities along Ammon and Parkside Rds.
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