Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 2011 steering committee meeting minutes

Ken, Barb Holtz, Rick, Gary, Fran, Lou, Brian, Kathy, Larry, and Jeanette attended on March 16 at the South Euclid library.

Larry called the meeting to order around 7PM.

Wild Plant identification for smart phones proposal
Brian Gilbert explained a possible plant id program for wild plant identification using a smart phone and noted his interest in a show of support. Four hundred plants are included. We discussed an endorsement. Gary will put together this letter. Schools at the junior high and high school level could be the audience for the application.

Membership letters
Fran noted that 122 membership letters were mailed. Printing cost $24, and stamps cost $70. Fran will email the file to Meiring to put on the website.

Bylaw on time limits
The final text was provided for the bylaw voted on unanimously at the last meeting.

Bylaw on who can sign checks
A draft for consideration was circulated by Ken. We discussed related auditing issues.

Euclid Creek pins

White background with a green heart and Friend and Euclid Creek is the design voted on at the last meeting. Claire asked for these as a token of appreciation for volunteers. 500 pins estimate is $300 or about 60 cents each. $425 for 1000 or about 39 cents each is another estimate. 500 should last a few years, and we agreed to this. We discussed a smaller pin and possible bumper sticker which Barb will look at.

Corporate rain garden
We discussed running a small ad. Our interest is in a business that will install this. Fran suggested a letter to the editor.

Feb. meeting survey results
Barb Holtz summarized the results. Combined sewer overflows and dumping appeared as top environmental pressures. No one knows where the watershed is and what is a watershed - these are top educational needs identified. City governments should have laws that allow for practices good for the watershed - this is another top goal identified. We discussed a tie in to our mission statement and goal. When will Claire reach 1000 rain barrels? A year of the rain barrel campaign was discussed.

Ken can get someone to talk about this if we give them a date. Kathy will look at the date.

Office 2010
We can get the software at a discount.

The image of the Eastern Cottontail Rabbit comes from http://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/ which states the species has been spotted in every county in Ohio.

Euclid Creek Dam Removal Celebration
Euclid, OH – Please join the Euclid Creek Watershed Program Project Partners as we celebrate the removal of the Euclid Creek East Branch Dam. The event will be held on Thursday, April 21, from 5:00-7:00pm at the Cleveland Metroparks Euclid Creek Reservation at the Upper Highland Reserved Picnic Area.

This public meeting and tour celebrates the removal of the Euclid Creek East Branch Dam, the
culmination of six years of work. Several speakers will briefly discuss the fish passage and stream restoration project, followed by a short hike to the overlook of the former dam site. Meet the project partners and funders pivotal in making this project happen and learn why a dam removal project is important to Euclid Creek.

For more information, call or email Euclid Creek Watershed Coordinator Claire Posius at 216-524-6580 x16 or cposius@cuyahogaswcd.org.

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