Monday, December 26, 2011
Photo contest winners
Friday, December 9, 2011
December update
* See you in 2012
Our annual fundraiser and holiday party took place Tuesday, December 6. Thanks go to all involved.
Thank you to Claire Posius for providing these newsletters.
Thank you to Meiring Borchers for maintaining our web site.
Award winners
- David Roache - David is President of Richmond Heights Council and a staunch leader and supporter of FOEC. He is a leader in the establishment of the Greenwood Farms restoration and community participation in the life of the center.
- Rick Evans - An unperturbed fixer and dependable volunteer, Rick is a good natured member of the steering committee. Rick can be counted on to deal with our electronics and volunteer with outreach activities.
- Lou Rifici - On the staff of Cuyahoga Community College, Lou is an environmental science teacher who graciously gives of his time to train our volunteers in the science of water quality monitoring.
- Barb Pophal - Barb has been the coordinator for almost 10 years of our holiday party and the auction. She does a great job each year and this this year she has taken us from our annual potluck party to a nicely catered affair.
Tom Jenkins Award
Ken Messinger Rapport
Ken does a great job as the FOEC finance manager. He is also on the FOEC steering committee. FOEC has been blessed with really good treasurers beginning with Tom Jenkins who we still miss because he was an outstanding member and citizen in every way. This award is made in his name, and Ken is surely deserving of being the recipient.
Lee has been with FOEC from the beginning and contributed in many ways. He saw the potential for Greenwood Farms to become a center for the history of Richmond Heights and the rallying point for the city's preservation and restoration. He had the imagination to develop names for unnamed creeks and record those with the USGS to identify areas of the watershed. He is a real leader, and we are enriched by the work he gives to us and to Richmond Heights
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Steering committee
- 1) Meiring Borcherds speaking on climate change affecting County health issues.
- 2) Judy Wollen, CSU, Microcistene in Lake Erie
- 3) Members speaking to Members forum (3,5 or 10 minute speeeches) - including a possible presentation by Barb on No Child Left Inside (unless she takes this as a subject for a monthly meeting)
- 4) Cuyahoga County Brownfields especially in Euclid Creek watershed speaker Ginny.
- 5) Dusty goldenrod meadow field trip
- 6) Christie Myers from Ohio environmental council could speak and dangers to ground water supply and quality of water in Lake Erie from Gaswell fracking.
- 7) What is on the computer for friends of Euclid Creek website, Euclid Creek news blog site, Soil water conservation District.
- 8) Euclid Creek manager could speak on the issues of Euclid Creek Metropark and how the role of friends of Euclid Creek could help out.
- 9) Could have water testing results presented to us by Ken Radie and his student group.
- 10) What is the next step in identifying and protecting land areas that we have have designated as interesting areas in the Euclid Creek watershed?
- 11) How about an update from the sewer district possibly frank Greenland on the Euclid Creek tunnel project and the latest information on cities opposing and suing the sewer district on storm water tax increase assessment?
- 12) How about a field trip to Wildwood state park and Oxbow Island that is being redesigned. We could couple that with a site visit to the property at Marcella and Lakeshore Boulevard.
- Jan. - Park manager, Frank Greenland, or Barb Holtz (depending on availability)
- Feb. - Meiring Borcherds
- March - Members speaking
- April - Park manager, Frank Greenland, or Barb Holtz (depending on availability)
- May - Spring wildflower walk with Barb Holtz
- June - Ginny on brownfields
- July - Summer picnic
- August - Judy Woolen, depending on availability
- Sept. - Dusty goldenrod meadow walk with Barb Holtz
- Oct. - Water testing with Ken Radie, depending on availability
- Nov. - Possible speaker bureau presentation
- December - Holiday party
- We want to do another video provided by Frank.
- Catering was a good option.
- Chinese auction name may change.
- Software and other items we could auction off at an upcoming meeting.
- Rick Evans to buy a jump drive and extension cord.
- Where do the awards to Dave Roche and Lee Gase stand? Frank will follow up on this.
- Jeanette gave Lou Rifici him his award.
- We should invite winners to the holiday party next year.
- We agreed with would like to do another contest.
- Stu Pearl would like to be involved from the beginning of the process.
- Barb to provide a sample and time the newsletter to the membership drive.
- We could provide a $500 scholarship for a student interested in environmental studies.
- Jeanette to research other scholarships and provide ideas to Frank.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Year in review video
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Festive holiday party
Celebrate the season by joining us for this festive fundraising event
Friends of Euclid Creek Holiday Gathering
Dinner will be catered by California Salads
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Dinner at 7:00 p.m
Mayfield Village Community Center
Enter off SOM Center Road ~
behind Mayfield Village Fire Department
(NW corner of Rte. 91 and Wilson Mills Road)
Good company, good food and good music for a great cause
$22.00 per person advance reservation
Questions? Please call Barb Pophal at (216) 481-4397
Contest winners
Best of show
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Holiday donations
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Whose Water is This?
Thursday, November 3, 2011
November update
December meeting is our party/fund raiser
Our November meeting recognized the awesome winners of our photo contest. Check back soon for more details. Thank you to photo contest judges - Bob Hinkle, Cleveland Metroparks, and Stuart Pearl, Stuart Pearl Photography. The exciting November program included announcing the winners and awarding cash prizes.
Youth corps installs rain garden
Thank you to all involved at Mayfield High School and FOEC for completion of this project at the Cuyahoga County Airport.
Congratulations to our photo contest winners
Plants and Animals:
3rd Place #40 Red Leaf Pearl Ernat
2nd Place #36 Mushroom Jim Bowser
1st Place #27 Chipmonk Rock Peter Shenk
3rd Place #3 Everybody Enjoys Walk Mary Bode
2nd Place #1 Dad and Daughter Kathleen Fleming
1st Place #8 Walker on Bridge Mary Bode
Cultural and Historic Places:
3rd Place #4 Quarry Creek #2 Jim Bowser
2nd Place #2 Monticello Bridge D. Mason
1st Place #3 Quarry Creek Jim Bowser
Black and White:
3rd Place #9 I Stand Alone Derrick Mason
2nd Place #8 Rocks Elizebeth Jacob
1st Place #2 Bowl of Plenty Susane Sande
Best of Show:
#12 Autumn Leaves Brianna Motley $100
Best of Show Runner Up:
#16 River in Snow Daniel Hancock $25
Under 17 Plants and Animals:
3rd Place #3 Euclid Creek #1 Anna Russ
2nd Place #16 River in Snow Daniel Hancock
1st Place #12 Autum Leaves Brianna Motley
Under 17 Recreation
No Entries
Under 17 Cultural and Historic Sites
3rd Place #35 Creek Building Rob Spielman
2nd Place #30 Second Bridge Nicole Blatchford
1st Place #1 Richmond Rd Bridge Hanna Keyerleber
Under 17 Black and White
3rd Place #28 Euclid Creek Cori Smith
2nd Place #7 Bee Brendan Ryan
1st Place White Flowers Nicole Blatchford
Please visit regularly
See these wonderful sites for interesting information about environmental issues related to the Euclid Creek watershed.
Claire Posius' Soil and Water Conservation District Enews-Letter at Thank you Claire!
FOEC website at Thank you Meiring!
Highland Heights Green Task force meeting minutes at
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Year in review
Sept. 2010 - Meiring Borcherds, FOEC web site update
October 2010 -Claire Posius, Barb Holtz, watershed issues
November 2010 -Dianne Bickett, Director of Solid Waste District, recycling
December 2010 -Barb Pophal, holiday party/fund raiser
Jan. 2011 -Claire Posius, Watershed Planning Guide review
Feb. 2011 -Ginny Avemi, mapping future watershed projects
March 2011 -Tom Evans, URS, watershed planning
April 2011 -Claire Posius, Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation update
May 2011 -Cleveland Metroparks Staff, Master Plan update
June 2011 -Ken Messinger-Rapport, gas well drilling, Gasland
July 2011 -Summer picnic, Euclid Creek Reservation
August 2011 -Lou Rifici, water quality monitoring in Euclid Creek
September 2011 -Joe Logan, Ohio Environmental Council, water quality
October 2011 -Tour of Mayfair Country Club
November 2011 - Larry McFadden, photography contest recognition
December 2011 - Barb Pophol, holiday party/fund raiser
Steering committee meeting
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
October update
Thank you to Frank Skala for providing the photo of the ravine and waterfall at Greenwood Farm, where FOEC conducted ravine walks during the Greenwood Farm Family Fun Fest held on September 24. Thank you to all who helped including Ron Puera, Barb Pophol, Frank Skala, Mary Kay Evans, Steve Albro, Joan Albro, Barb Holtz, and Rick Evans.
September canoe trip
"The canoe ride was a big success. Nobody fell in. The 15 of us in canoes were the last ones to see the present island up close." So said Frank Skala of the FOEC canoe ride event that took place in September. Thank you to all involved.
Thank you for a great October meeting
A big thank you goes out to all involved in the field trip to the former Mayfair Country Club.
November meeting to recognize winners
Our November 1 meeting will recognize winners of our photography contest.
The butterfly picture is one entry.
See the 50-plus entries for our current contest at:
November 1 meeting starts at 6:30 PM
South Euclid Community Center
1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle)
The November meeting is free and open to the public.
More about the Greenwood Farm ravine
The following are notes from naturalist Barb Holtz about the ravine.
Looks like Cleveland Shale to me. About 300-400 million years old. Trees: Mostly sugar maple but also saw white oak, black cherry, beech (at top of ravine). Hemlock trees plentiful on slope and near to creek on rock edges. Very typical for northeastern Ohioforests - hemlocks prefer low light, moist, cool habitat that ravine offers.
All white wildflower (doesn't really have petals) is white snakeroot. Small aster (white petals with purplish center) is heart-leaved aster. Lots of Vinca or myrtle by the house continuing sown the slope. Great example of invasive plant - escapes readily from home landscapes and creates carpet in natural areas.
What is a watershed?
The land that drains to a common body of water (like Euclid Creek). That water carries with it whatever is on the land like fertilizers, pesticides, oil, etc. As storm water runoff increases in the watershed due to impermeable surfaces, the creek takes on a more and more water. This can scour the creek and increase erosion.
Important natural feature! People will be standing on it when by the creek. This is the land area on either side of the creek banks that acts as a sponge or holding tank for the creek. It detains flood water and releases it slowly to curtail flooding downstream.
Please visit regularly
See these wonderful sites for interesting information about environmental issues related to the Euclid Creek watershed.
Claire Posius' Soil and Water Conservation District Enews-Letter at Thank you Claire!
FOEC website at Thank you Meiring!
Highland Heights Green Task force meeting minutes at
See the 50-plus entries for our current photo contest at
Some pictures
Lou Drasler and Ann Marie Mills participated in the canoe rides that started at Wildwood Park in September. Other pictures are from our October walk in Richmond Heights at the site of the former Mayfair Swim Club. Thank you to Frank Skala for providing the pictures.
October steering committee
Saturday, September 10, 2011
September update
- Bob Hinkle, Cleveland Metroparks
- Michael Mann, Dodd Camera
- Stuart Pearl, Stuart Pearl Photography
The following shows interests discussed:
- Conduct a dusty golden rod meadow walk (several individuals expressed interest, a suggestion is to meet at Highland Heights Pavilion)
- Continue with educational programming (several individuals mentioned this interest)
- Focus on conservation and environmental issues (several individuals)
- Work with city councils on environmental friendly ordinances and laws (such as weed laws)
- Have a geologist speak at an upcoming meeting
- Greenwood Farm
- landscape design
- native plants
- infrastructure
- climate change
- gardening
- what is in the water
- rain barrels
September steering committee meeting
Greenwood Farms
Lyndhurst Home Days
New members
Welcome letters
Sept. 22 canoe ride
Nov. meeting
Dec. holiday party
SWCD grant
Speakers' bureau
Thank you to Frank Skala for providing this picture from the Greenwood Farm ravine walk.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Aug. steering committee notes
- Aug. 24 Sierra Club Cruise on Goodtime
- Sept. 6 - general meeting with Kristy Meyers
- Sept. 9 to 11 - Lyndhurst Home Days
- Sep. 22 - Canoe Ride
- Oct. 4 - 6PM, Mayfair Swim Club outing instead of regular meeting
- Nov. 1 - General meeting with photo contest winners, no speaker
- Dec. 6 - Holiday party
- Jan. 3 - Speaker L. Clark on brownfields
- Feb. 7 - General meeting where members share with members
- Barb is making progress on the speaker's bureau slide show
- Barb could lead a dusty goldenrod walk in the spring
Thursday, July 21, 2011
July update
Thank you for a great July picnic
Our July meeting included a picnic near the dam removal site in the Metroparks location near the Highland Road entrance.
The image of the purple coneflower - a good native choice for Ohio landscapes - comes from The Wild Ones. Coneflowers attract butterflies and birds. The image of the tree comes from our photo contest.
August meeting
Come to our Tuesday, August 2 meeting to hear guest speaker Lou Rifici talk about water quality monitoring in the Euclid Creek.
Our meetings normally start at 6:30PM at the South Euclid Community Center, 1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle). Meetings are free and open to the public.
Upper Cuyahoga River Tour - Sat., June 18
Thank you to Ginny Aveni and everyone else for planning this event.
Euclid Beach Blast!
FOEC plans to sponsor a table at this wonderful July 16 event.
FOEC officers and directors
Congratulations go to Ken and Carolyn as they were voted in at our July meeting to continue in their positions in September. Here is a list of current officers.
Current Officers
President: Frank Skala
1st Vice President: Larry McFadden
2nd Vice President: Gary Bloom
Secretary: Jeanette Evans
Treasurer: Ken Messinger-Rapport
Please visit regularly
See these wonderful sites for interesting information about environmental issues related to the Euclid Creek watershed.
Claire Posius' Soil and Water Conservation District Enews-Letter at - Thank you Claire! Please send comments and contibutions to Claire at
FOEC website at - Thank you Miering! Please send comments and contributions to Miering at
Highland Heights Green Task force meeting minutes
Thank you to Lou Rifici
Lou Rifici makes a huge contribution to our efforts at monitoring quality of the the Euclid Creek. He scheduled pickup of the equipment and performs calibration and setup for the volunteers who complete stream monitoring at the various designated locations along the Euclid Creek.
If you would like more information about how to become a volunteer in this important program, please contact
Lou has also agreed to speak to our group about stream monitoring. Here is some information about Lou's impressive background.
Louis M. Rifici is a biologist, environmental scientist, and assistant professor of Environmental, Health and Safety Technology and Biology at Cuyahoga Community College in Northeastern Ohio. Mr. Rifici worked as an environmental scientist (1989 - 1999) prior to joining the faculty of Cuyahoga Community College. He focused on freshwater ecology as an undergraduate and particularly enjoyed field work in rivers and streams.
He entered the working world as a research technician and worked for two Cleveland chemical companies, before leaving for graduate studies in ecotoxicology. As a graduate student he learned to bioassay industrial effluents and evaluate their toxicity and ecological effects.
He worked with fellow graduate students and professors to gain hands-on experience with a variety of field evaluation techniques at wastewater sources like coal-fired power plants and paper mills. His graduate thesis describes his study of fathead minnow larvae, a commonly-used bioassay organism. A portion of his thesis was published in the international journal, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Volume 15, Issue 8 (August 1996)).
After graduation, Mr. Rifici was employed as an ecotoxicologist with environmental consulting firms in Virginia, Florida, and Ohio and a chemical manufacturer in Pennsylvania. His duties varied and included performing laboratory bioassay or toxicity testing of wastewaters, commercial products, and pesticides.
He is currently involved in local protection efforts in the Euclid Creek (Ohio) and Mill Creek watersheds.