Please let me know at if you have anything to post. This update includes information about:
* September meeting details
* FOEC participates in local community events
* In the spotlight: Stephen Love
* 11 August steering committee minutes
For additional fliers about our upcoming photo contest, please call Larry McFadden at 216-531-7144.
Save Tuesday, Sept. 7 6:30-8:30 for our monthly meeting
Lyndhurst Fun Days are September 10-12. Thank you to all who help support these events.
Be sure to check the Euclid Creek Watershed Program page for a detailed listing of local events of interest:
In the spotlight: Stephen Love
Stephen Love was recently nominated as student of the week by the Sun Messenger -
Love volunteered at the Cuyahoga Watershed Conservation District, Euclid Creek Watershed Division and worked as a volunteer water monitor and data tester for a specified location along Euclid Creek. “I believe that civic engagement and participation are essential to sustaining a better quality of life in any community,” he said.
Currently pursuing a Masters of Public Administration at Cleveland State University, Love hopes to pursue a law degree in addition to his MPA. He does additional work as a volunteer team leader for an Adopt-a-Beach team at Euclid Beach Park. Community members and college students go out once a month for beach cleanups at Euclid Beach Park.

This picture comes from the
virtual watershed tours site.
What is a wildlife-friendly landscape?
It is composed of these items, as described at and Native Plants of Ohio:
- food sources such as native plants, seeds, fruits, nuts, berries, nectar
- water sources such as a birdbath, pond, water garden, stream
- cover or shelter, for example, thicket, rockpile, birdhouse
- a place to raise young such as dense shrubs, vegetation, nesting box, pond
- sustainable gardening such as mulch, rain garden, compost, chemical-free fertilizer
Backyards can play an important role in wildlife conservation. You can help reduce the effects of habitat loss by landscaping with native Ohio plants and trying to turn your yard into a wildlife-friendly landscape.
11 August 2010 Steering Committee Meeting
Kathy, Larry, Frank, Ken, Rick, Jeanette, Steve, and Gary attended. At 7:10 Frank called the meeting to order. The new term started for officers. Ken set up the meeting and coordinated with Claire.
Grant document review
- We reviewed documents from Claire to get the $35,000 grant from the sewer district.
- Budget items include awards for scholarships.
- By-laws should show two vice-presidents. Ken to draft guidelines on scholarships. Larry to provide by-law information to Claire. United Church of Christ grant needs to be added.
- We discussed changes about staffing on page 3 and 10 and the proposal of hiring an assistant for one year.
- We agreed with the proposal for three rain gardens and corporate sponsors like Legacy Village, Philips Medical, Cleveland Clinic, Progressive.
- Claire joined the meeting via telephone and discussed document changes including how to handle the assistant description. Someone at FOEC will make the submission working with Frank.
Other business
- Last year Ginny and Fran were getting speakers.Programs Chairperson and Committee are needed for the coming year.Recycling is one idea for a meeting topic. Munson Township speaker and golf course could be a meeting topic. We could have a posting of ideas.
- Membership, Programs, Scholarships, and Outings chairpersons are possible positions to involve more volunteers.
- Sept. outing to be set up by Steve.
- 10-15 minutes to be provided at Sept. meeting by Meihring to show Web site.
- 6:30 to 8:30 is new time slot for meetings. Speaker should start at 7:00.
- Frank to let Carolyn know of 6:30 start time.
- Tent to be purchased by Larry.
- We should buy a screen and a mouse.
- Lyndhurst Fun Days the weekend of Sept. 11 needs more volunteers.
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