If you have anything to add for this or a future update, please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net. Some of the items covered in this update include:
* More about our meetings
* FOEC photography contest details
We are extending deepest sympathy to Fran Hogg whose mother recently passed away.

Coreopsis is a good native choice for sunny locations. This image comes from ohioprarienurseries.com.
More about our meetings
Our May meeting featured presentations from FOEC members. Stay tuned for details about our upcoming meetings throughout the coming months.
*Ken Messenger-Rapport - getting grant for Bishop Road property, oil and gas drilling developments
*Lou Drasler - what's in the water
* Ron Peura - urban forestry
* Barb Holtz - weed laws

Enter our 2010 FOEC photography contest
Deadline for submissions is October 5, 2010.
All photos submitted will become part of a permanent collection and will not be returned. Photographers may be asked for permission to use their photos to promote the mission of FOEC. Entries must be emailed. Entries must be taken within the Euclid Creek watershed. Mailed entries not accepted.
News of note
Saturday, May 8 10am to 4pm - Cleveland Div. of Water will mark National Drinking Water Week with an open house at two of its purification plants. Call 216-664-2444 ext. 5802 or visit http://www.clevelandwater.com/ to RSVP.
Save Wed. May 12 for the Rain Barrel Workshop at Greenwood Farms 6:30-8pm in Richmond Heights.
Contact Claire Posius for Euclid Creek watershed spring 2010 meetings that including rain barrel workshops. Contact Claire at 216-524-6580 x16 or cposius@cuyahogaswcd.org.
Please visit regularly Claire Posius' Soil and Water Conservation enewsletter at http://www.cuyahogaswcd.org/EuclidCreekFiles/enewsletter.htm Thank you Claire!

Black-eyed susans are a good native choice for natural landscapes.
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