This issue covers:
* Thanks for the wonderful holiday party
* See you in 2011
The images are from our photo contest.

It was a wonderful end to a wonderful year. Thank you to Barb Pophal and all others who made the holiday party such a success.

Our regular meetings start at 6:30 at the South Euclid Community Center, 1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle). Meetings are free and open to the public. The January 4 meeting is to cover:

This is a photo from last year's holiday party. Previous President Fran Hogg is in the center.
A link to an article about the Euclid Creek watershed conservation easement in Highland Heights and update on gas well drilling is at:
For more information please contact jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net or FOEC member Judy Dearden.
Judy is organizing the first meeting of the Highland Heights Green Task Force scheduled for Thursday, January 13, 2011, 7-9 PM at the Mayfield Library meeting room. We will use this meeting to introduce ourselves and to go over our interests, the agenda for programs and projects, and of course, discuss our goals for the task force.
Please feel free to invite anyone you may know who expresses an interest!
Thank you to Mary K. Evans for organizing the Chinese and silent auction prize donations.
Master List for FOEC Silent Auction 12-7-2010
Cleveland MetroPark Golf Foursome
o Description: Tee fees for four people
o Donor: Cleveland MetroParks
o Winner: Rich Hogg
Time for Breakfast
o Description: Presto Cool Touch Electric Griddle
o Donor: Barb Pophal
o Winner: Mary Martin
“An Elegant Holiday”
o Description: Waterford Holiday Heirloom Cypress Elegance Table Tree
o Donor: Georgine Welo, Mayor of South Euclid
o Winner: Mary K. Evans
“Enjoy the Garden”
o Description: One-Year Cleveland Botanical Garden Family Membership
o Donor: Cleveland Botanical Garden
o Winner: Ken Messinger-Rapport
“Play at Playhouse Square”
o Description: $50.00 Gift Card to Playhouse Square (good for 3 years)
o Donors: Gary and Theresa Bloom
o Winner: Mayor Georgine Welo
“Host a Roast”
o Description: Showtime Pro Rotisserie and BBQ
BBQ Gloves
12 Elastic Chicken Ties
Vinyl Indoor/Outdoor Cover
Chicken and Turkey Instructions
Flavor Injector and Instructions
Round Rib Basket with 8 piece Hooks Set
o Donor: Lillian Houser
o Winner Mary Martin
“Detail Your Chariot”
o Description: Sherwin-Williams Racing Auto Detail Bag
Pro detailer with Interchangeable Brushes
Lighted Pen Pick-Up Tool
3M Performance Car Wax
Shop Towel Hand Wipes
Shop Towel Roll
NASCAR Safety Glasses
3M Detail Cloth
Red Diamond Abrasives Tee Shirt
Sherwin-Williams Sweatshirt
Sherwin-Williams Pullover Jacket
o Donor: Larry McFadden
o Winner: Larry McFadden
“Invite Your Feathered Friends to the Neighborhood”
o Description: Birdhouse from Backyard Nature Company
o Bought at: Backyard Nature Co at 830 SOM Center Rd, Mayfield , OH 44143 ...440/442-1267
o Donors: Ken and Barbara Messinger-Rapport
o Winner: Steve Albro
“Garden in Style”
• Description: Garden Kneeling Bench
• Donor: Virginia Aveni
• Winner: Paulette Peluso
Chinese Raffle Items
Four Cleveland MetroParks Zoo Passes
Donor: Cleveland MetroParks
Winner: Theresa Bloom
Silver Eagle (one ounce silver coin)
Donors: Rick and Jeanette Evans
Winner: Ron Peura
Muirfield Holiday Ornament Design China Plate
Donors: Rick and Jeanette Evans
Winner: Mary Martin
Bottle of Semisweet Grand River Rouge Chalet Debonné Wine and $25.00 Trader Joe’s gift certificate
Winner: Mayor Georgine Welo
Club Champ Golfer’s Putter Pool Game
Winner: Mary Martin
#1 Package: Free Wing Party for Six
Donor: Buffalo Wild Wings
5433 Mayfield Road
Lyndhurst, OH 44124-2933
440/ 605-9464
Obtained by: Stephen and Joan Albro
Winner: Mary Martin
#2 Package: Free Wing Party for Six
Donor: Buffalo Wild Wings
5433 Mayfield Road
Lyndhurst, OH 44124-2933
440/ 605-9464
Obtained by: Stephen and Joan Albro
Winner: Gary Bloom
Three large Poinsettia Plants
Donor: Fran Hogg
Note: Fran Hogg also donated smaller poinsettia plants for each table
Winners: Anna Julnes
Barb Pophal
Paulette Peluso
Wild Bird’s “Feed the Birds Basket” with Bag of bird seed, Peanut suet cakes, and Bird Song CDs
Donor: Wild Birds Unlimited
5736 Mayfield Rd
Lyndhurst, OH 44124-2918
440/ 449-3324
Obtained by: Steve and Joan Albro
Winner: Mayor Georgine Welo
Wild Bird’s Unlimited 20 pounds Deluxe Bird Seed, and 4 Suet Cakes
Donor: Carolyn Sugiuchi
Winner: Ron Peura
“Resurrection” Art Work
Donor: Georgine Welo, Mayor of South Euclid
Winner: Mary Martin
Bottle of Cabernet Wine
Donor: Frank Skala
Winner: Paulette Peluso
Congratulations to our award winners
Tom Jenkins Award:
Carolyn Sugiuchi
Continued service and commitment
Volunteer of the Year:
Meiring Borcherds
Website Management
Public Official:
Mike Polencek
Lower Watershed Support
Service Award:
Fran Hogg
Continuing Grant Work
Service Award:
Dave Roche
Community Watershed Support for Greenwood Farms
Service Award:
Jeanette Evans
Continuing Grant Work
Service Award:
Jane Goodman
Photo contest volunteer
Service Award:
Steven Love
Adopt a Beach
East Bank dam update
Clair Posius tells us that the East Branch dam was officially removed on December 8, and Great Lakes Construction is busy installing the boulder cobble run, gabion mattress, and cross vein structures (see the project website if you have any questions about these structures and their design intent). They plan to be done installing the structures by the end of the year and will complete the restoration plantings in the spring.
Claire was interviewed by the environmental reporter for the Cleveland Plain Dealer about the project as explained at: