If you have content for this update, please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net.
Some of the items covered in this update include:
* June 2 meeting recap
* Upcoming meetings and outings
* Member update on Sara (Sally) Richardson
* Sierra Club wants to thank Governor Strickland
* Join us for the VFW nature tour
June 2 meeting recap
The Tuesday, June 2 evening meeting was at the South Euclid Community Center at 1370 Victory Drive, South Euclid, OH 44121.
FOEC member Athey Lutz gave a talk on natural stream design and the latest ideas on restoring streams and rebuilding macroinvertabrate and fish habitat.
We discussed nominations to fill the open positions of vice president and secretary, and three positions on the Board of Directors. If you would like to nominate someone or submit yourself, please call Fran Hogg 440-449-6119, Ginny Aveni 216-381-8433, or Frank Skala 440-473-3484.
Here are some other reminders.
* The South Euclid rain barrel event is on June 6. Contact Claire Posius for more information.
* The regular July meeting - the first Tuesday in July - will include a pot-luck picnic at an outdoor location
* The regular August meeting is canceled.
Member update on Sara (Sally) Richardson
Let's send our best wishes for a quick recovery for Sara (Sally) Richardson.
How about a card, phone call, or visit?
She is getting therapy now and hopes to be home soon.
Grande Point Healthcare (216-261-9600)
3 Merit Drive
Richmond Heights
Room 108 (216-797-7471)
For more details, please contact Frank Skala (fskala@ameritech.net) or Barb Pophal.
Sierra Club wants you to thank Gov. Strickland
For details on the post card that the Sierra Club has available to thank Gov. Strickland for his "support of continued work in moving Ohio forward with renewable energy and energy efficiency standards" please contact Jeanette Evans at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net.
Upcoming meetings and outings
Regular monthly meetings are normally held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the South Euclid Community Center at 1370 Victory Drive, South Euclid, OH 44121.
* June 20 (moved from June 13)
VFW nature tour.
VFW located on White Road at 11:00.
We will be guided by one of our own FOEC members.
* July 7
The July monthly meeting - the first Tuesday in July - will include a pot-luck picnic. If a new person just shows up without bringing something or member forgets to bring something, that's okay.
- The meeting is at the Rear Quarry Picnic Area of Euclid Creek Reservation.
- The entry driveway is across from the Ranger Office. Go all the way to the end of the side road to the picnic shelter. The shelter is almost directly under the bridge for Monticello Road that goes overhead.
- 5PM - picnic starts - eat at 6PM - meeting at 7PM.
- Rear quarry picnic area is located off Euclid Creek Parkway, near the green Road entrance of Euclid Creek Reservation in Euclid. It is near the Anderson Road end of the park. Go down the side road to the Rear Quarry area and keep following it all the way to the shelter house.
- Arrive any time between 5 and 6 PM to meet and socialize.
- Begin eating at 6PM.
- FOEC is supplying pizza and soft drinks.
- Bring a dish (main, side, salad) or dessert to share and your table setting.
- FOEC meeting begins at 7PM.
Get ready to visit another great location in the Euclid Creek Watershed. Please mark your calendar/PDA/iPhone now to join the adventure on Saturday, June 20 at 10:00 a.m., as we go on a guided tour of the VFW Grounds on White Road . Ron Peura, FOEC member and VFW Post Commander, will lead us on an exploration of the creeks, beaver ponds and woods in this large, unique tract of land. This is a special invitation to explore this property, so don’t miss out.
The address is 29512 White Road , Willoughby Hills 44092 . It is on the south side of White Road (between Bishop and Rockefeller), about 1,500 feet west of Rockefeller. The driveway is marked with a 4-foot high stone post with a VFW sign. Take the long gravel driveway to the parking lot where we’ll gather.
Please plan to be there at 10:00 sharp so you don’t get left behind. The hike will take about an hour. We should be back to the parking lot no later than 11:30.
It is a rain-or-shine event. Regular old walking-in-the-woods shoes are fine unless it is especially wet.
Please call Frank Skala at 440-473-3484 for questions.
Calling for your input
Please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net if you have pictures or other items for this newsletter. Here is a picture of the dusty goldenrod meadow. FOEC purchased a conservation easement of 12.5 acres for an endangered plant habitat (dusty goldenrod) and primary headwater streams and wetlands.
Dusty goldenrod (Solidag/Puberula) is found in Highland Heights, Ohio, the only known location in Ohio. This location is part a meadow containing an unusual diversity of vascular plants (400+), which are rare and/endangered in Ohio or Cuyahoga County, with dusty goldenrod being the most notable.
The meadow with the dusty goldenrod is part of an area of land that is environmentally sensitive. The land is a mix of wooded swamp, wet meadow, and wet forest and contains several streams that are the headwaters of the East Branch of the Euclid Creek.

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