Wednesday, August 20, 2014

September and October meetings

Please join us Tuesday, September 2, at our general meeting to hear certified tree Arborist, Mr. Al Klonowski, speak about the title, challenges facing our water and soil.” Mr. Klonowksi evaluated the Redstone Run property in Richmond Heights, and was instrumental in identifying the trees on the property. His findings were included in a report for the grant process.
Mr. Klonowski’s presentation coincides with recent USA Today headlines of “Ohio’s 4th largest city has no drinking water.” We all know that the water supply of Toledo was contaminated last month when a toxic algae bloom entered the supply intake pipes on Lake Erie. Could Cleveland be next? Come find out at our next meeting!

Location:  South Euclid Community Center
                 1370 Victory Drive
                 (behind Giant Eagle on Mayfield)

                 South Euclid, Ohio 44121
Time:        6:30 PM

Please join us for this educational program and learn how the Euclid Creek Watershed impacts water quality in Lake Erie.

For our October, meeting, please stay tuned for details. 

Oct. 4 - Euclid Creek Water Monitors Needed

This message is from Claire Posius.

Hello Euclid Creek Volunteer Monitors,

I wanted to let you know about an exciting monitoring event coming up in the Euclid Creek that was spearheaded by the Cleveland Metroparks. It’s called A Day in the Life of Euclid Creek and is happening on Saturday, Oct. 4, 8:00am-2:00pm, at all 3 Cleveland Metroparks Reservations in Euclid Creek - Acacia, Euclid Creek Reservation & Wildwood Park.  We’re going to have monitoring activities going on at each site throughout the day for the public to see, led by the Metroparks staff, NEORSD, and Lou Rifici. They will lead a training with our equipment at Wildwood (see detailed schedule below) and we’re hoping that you all can help out too. 

What we’d like is to have each of our 5 Euclid Creek sites monitored that morning any time between 8am and 12:30pm, and then everyone who has collected data will present the results from the day at Wildwood Picnic Pavilion around 1:00pm (lunch provided!).  Sierra Club Water Sentinels will also be monitoring a few additional sites in Euclid Creek that morning. 

I wanted to see if you’d be able to and interested in helping us out by monitoring a site that morning?  Lou Rifici will have one set of equipment as he’ll be leading the training at Wildwood from 11:30-1:00 – then we’ll all meet up at the pavilion at Wildwood to present results from each of the sites.   So we need volunteers to monitor the remaining 4 sites - Chardon/White site, Highland Metroparks site, Schaefer Park and South Euclid-Lyndhurst – but we’ll only have 1 set of equipment to share, so there will be some added coordination I’ll work on with you closer to the date. 

Let me know if you’re able to help – and if you’re uncomfortable presenting the results I’m happy to help.

Here are more details about the day:
Help take a snapshot of Euclid Creek starting near the headwaters in Acacia Reservation and ending at the confluence with Lake Erie in Wildwood Park. At each location, volunteers will help test water quality and other measures of stream quality with demonstrations offered by natural resource staff and educators. For more details call 216-524-6580x16 or to register for the lunch portion, go to

And here is the schedule:
·   Acacia Reservation: 8-9am (Meet in the Cedar Rd. parking lot). Learn about water quality sampling and restoration plans for Acacia Reservation.

Euclid Creek Reservation: 9:45-10:45am (Meet at Upper Highland Picnic Area Shelter). Discover the world of macroinvertebrates and why they are a good measure of stream habitat quality.

Wildwood Park at Euclid Creek Reservation: 11:30-1:30pm (Meet at the Wildwood Shelter). See a demonstration of electrofishing, a technique used to assess fish populations including numbers and species. Enjoy a light lunch while hearing about the day's results and the health of Euclid Creek.
·   For additional information or to register for the lunch portion of the event, go to or call 440-887-1968.

And of course, this will serve as our monthly monitoring for October.

Thanks for considering helping – it should be a fun day!
Claire Posius
Euclid Creek Watershed Coordinator
Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District
6100 West Canal Road
Valley View, Ohio  44125

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