Thursday, April 10, 2014

May, June, July meetings

Every month Friends of Euclid Creek gathers to raise our awareness about watershed issues and how we can help. We’d like to invite you to join us! Here’s what’s coming up, starting at 6:30 PM, for each meeting:
  • May 6: Redstone Run Highland Reserve field trip to the property conserved in Richmond Hts. last year by FOEC. Discover more about the forest cover as well as the geology of the area with archeologist, Roy Larick, and arborist, Alan Klonowski. We start at 6:30. Let me know at if you have any questions. See the map below. 
  • June 3: Annual Meeting and Picnic in the Cleveland Metroparks Euclid Creek Reservation.
  • July 1: Member Talks—We want to hear from you! Our annual Member Talks invite FOEC members to share a 5 - 15 minute presentation on a watershed topic of their choice.
This map shows the location of the Redstone Run Highland Reserve property. Please let me know at if you have any questions.