Barb Holtz
Upcoming Events
Blue headings = public meetings
Green headings = FOEC volunteer
Metroparks Lakefront
Reservation (including Wildwood/Villa Angela and Euclid Beach) Public Open
March 6, Collinwood Recreation Center, 4:30-6:00pm
This open house
will allow people to visit six different topical tables (natural resources,
general information, programming, etc.) staffed by subject matter
If you cannot make
this meeting date and time, there is another duplicate meeting on Tue., March 4
at the same time at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 6928 Detroit Ave.
EPA Public
Hearing on Cuyahoga Dredge Disposal Proposal in Lake Erie
March 6, Martin Luther King Jr. Branch of the Cleveland Public Library
(1962 Stokes Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio, 44106), 4:30-6:00pm
Ohio EPA is hosting
a public hearing to discuss the Army Corps proposal to dispose of 180,000 cubic
yards of dredge sediment from the Cuyahoga River navigation channel to a new
open lake disposal area. Currently this sediment is being disposed of in
Confined Disposal Facilities.
Barrel Workshop Acacia Reservation - Lyndhurst
March 22, 10:00-11:30am, Acacia Reservation, Lyndhurst
required by March 14 - Contact Claire Posius to register and for details -
216-524-6580x16 or email
Sun. April 13, 10:00am-5:00pm, Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds
Sun. April 13, 10:00am-5:00pm, Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds
Stop by our Euclid
Creek table at the event!
Beachwood Entrovation (formerly the Green Dream Showcase)
Fri., May 2, noon-6:00pm, Beachwood Community Center
Rain Barrel Workshop & Sale - Euclid
Sat., May 10,
10:00am-11:30am, Euclid Historical Society
Registration required by April
25 (Call 216-524-6580x16 to register)
Wetland Planting and Bioswale/Beach Cleanup
May 17, 9:00am-noon, Wildwood Lakefront Reservation, Cleveland
Euclid Creek
Watershed Program partners, Cleveland Metroparks and Euclid Beach Adopt-a-Beach
Team - This is a River Day 2014 event
Contact Claire Posius to register and for details - 216-524-6580x16
Contact Claire Posius to register and for details - 216-524-6580x16
If you are
interested in harvesting nuphar / spadderdock from Singer Bog in Geauga County
the week before, contact Contact Claire Posius for details - 216-524-6580x16,
(sometime week of May 12)
Barrel Workshop/Compost Seminar - Richmond Heights
Tue., July 15, 6:30-8:30pm, Greenwood Farm, Richmond Heights
Tue., July 15, 6:30-8:30pm, Greenwood Farm, Richmond Heights
Registration required by July 7
- Contact Claire Posius to register and for details
Beach Blast, 4th annual
Sat., August 2, time TBD, Euclid Beach Lakefront Reservation
Sat., August 2, time TBD, Euclid Beach Lakefront Reservation
For more
information, email
or call (216)-571-0685. Visit the Euclid
Beach Adopt-a-Beach Team on Facebook!
Erie Boat Float, 6th Annual
Sat., Sept. 6, boat launch at 10:00am, Edgewater Reservation beach
Sat., Sept. 6, boat launch at 10:00am, Edgewater Reservation beach
More details closer
to the date or visit the Facebook page (We want to have an
FOEC boat!)
Wildwood Stream and Wetland Cleanup
Sept. 20, 10:00am-noon, Wildwood Lakefront Reservation, Cleveland
Contact Claire
Posius to register and for details - 216-524-6580x16
Heights Family Fun Fest at the Farm
Sat., Sept. 20, 1:00-5:00pm, Greenwood Farm, Richmond Heights
More details closer to the date or visit the City's website
Sat., Sept. 20, 1:00-5:00pm, Greenwood Farm, Richmond Heights
More details closer to the date or visit the City's website
Rally 2014
in Pittsburgh
May 30-June 2, Pittsburgh, PA
Join over 750 advocates for healthy rivers and watersheds gathering at the
confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers. To learn more about
this national conference which includes educational workshops, inspiring
speakers, field tours, etc., click
Stormwater Conference 2014
June 4-6, John S Knight Convention Center, Akron
Tour of Euclid Creek projects part of conference
Cleveland Trails & Greenways Conference
Thur., June 12, 700 Beta Banquet & Conference Center, Mayfield Village