Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Festive holiday party
Celebrate the season by joining us for this festive fundraising event
Friends of Euclid Creek Holiday Gathering
Dinner will be catered by California Salads
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Dinner at 7:00 p.m
Mayfield Village Community Center
Enter off SOM Center Road ~
behind Mayfield Village Fire Department
(NW corner of Rte. 91 and Wilson Mills Road)
Good company, good food and good music for a great cause
$22.00 per person advance reservation
Questions? Please call Barb Pophal at (216) 481-4397
Contest winners
Best of show
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Holiday donations
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Whose Water is This?
Thursday, November 3, 2011
November update

Our November meeting recognized the awesome winners of our photo contest. Check back soon for more details. Thank you to photo contest judges - Bob Hinkle, Cleveland Metroparks, and Stuart Pearl, Stuart Pearl Photography. The exciting November program included announcing the winners and awarding cash prizes.
Youth corps installs rain garden
Thank you to all involved at Mayfield High School and FOEC for completion of this project at the Cuyahoga County Airport.
Congratulations to our photo contest winners
Plants and Animals:
3rd Place #40 Red Leaf Pearl Ernat
2nd Place #36 Mushroom Jim Bowser
1st Place #27 Chipmonk Rock Peter Shenk
3rd Place #3 Everybody Enjoys Walk Mary Bode
2nd Place #1 Dad and Daughter Kathleen Fleming
1st Place #8 Walker on Bridge Mary Bode
Cultural and Historic Places:
3rd Place #4 Quarry Creek #2 Jim Bowser
2nd Place #2 Monticello Bridge D. Mason
1st Place #3 Quarry Creek Jim Bowser
Black and White:
3rd Place #9 I Stand Alone Derrick Mason
2nd Place #8 Rocks Elizebeth Jacob
1st Place #2 Bowl of Plenty Susane Sande
Best of Show:
#12 Autumn Leaves Brianna Motley $100
Best of Show Runner Up:
#16 River in Snow Daniel Hancock $25
Under 17 Plants and Animals:
3rd Place #3 Euclid Creek #1 Anna Russ
2nd Place #16 River in Snow Daniel Hancock
1st Place #12 Autum Leaves Brianna Motley
Under 17 Recreation
No Entries
Under 17 Cultural and Historic Sites
3rd Place #35 Creek Building Rob Spielman
2nd Place #30 Second Bridge Nicole Blatchford
1st Place #1 Richmond Rd Bridge Hanna Keyerleber
Under 17 Black and White
3rd Place #28 Euclid Creek Cori Smith
2nd Place #7 Bee Brendan Ryan
1st Place White Flowers Nicole Blatchford
Please visit regularly
See these wonderful sites for interesting information about environmental issues related to the Euclid Creek watershed.
Claire Posius' Soil and Water Conservation District Enews-Letter at http://www.cuyahogaswcd.org/EuclidCreekFiles/enewsletter.htm- Thank you Claire!
FOEC website at http://friendsofeuclidcreek.nhlink.net/index.htm- Thank you Meiring!
Highland Heights Green Task force meeting minutes at http://www.highlandhtsgreen.com/
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Year in review
Sept. 2010 - Meiring Borcherds, FOEC web site update
October 2010 -Claire Posius, Barb Holtz, watershed issues
November 2010 -Dianne Bickett, Director of Solid Waste District, recycling
December 2010 -Barb Pophal, holiday party/fund raiser
Jan. 2011 -Claire Posius, Watershed Planning Guide review
Feb. 2011 -Ginny Avemi, mapping future watershed projects
March 2011 -Tom Evans, URS, watershed planning
April 2011 -Claire Posius, Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation update
May 2011 -Cleveland Metroparks Staff, Master Plan update
June 2011 -Ken Messinger-Rapport, gas well drilling, Gasland
July 2011 -Summer picnic, Euclid Creek Reservation
August 2011 -Lou Rifici, water quality monitoring in Euclid Creek
September 2011 -Joe Logan, Ohio Environmental Council, water quality
October 2011 -Tour of Mayfair Country Club
November 2011 - Larry McFadden, photography contest recognition
December 2011 - Barb Pophol, holiday party/fund raiser