* Holiday party is coming
* Save the first Tuesday of each month
* Photo contest update
The leaf image and following images are from previous and current photo contests. Our latest photo contest deadline is October 5, 2011.
- Save December 7 for our annual holiday party at the Mayfield Village Community Center.
- A big thank you goes out to Barb Pophol for organizing the activities.
- Please let Barb or Jeanette know if you can help with a dish and/or prize. Don't miss this wonderful event.

Meeting updates
- Our November 2 meeting included a presentation from Diane Bickett, Director of Solid Waste District, talking about recycling.
- Our regular meetings are normally the first Tuesday at 6:30 of each month at the South Euclid Community Center, 1370 Victory Drive (north off Mayfield, next to Giant Eagle). Meetings are free and open to the public.
Our December meeting is the holiday party. Look forward to our 2011 schedule that includes the January meeting on the Alliance for the Great Lakes. The speaker is Kristy Meyer for Fresh Water Futures.

The image of the Christmas fern comes from http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/ which states that ferns have been part of Ohio landscapes for millions of years and are a welcome plant year-around.

Tips on using a living, rooted (potted or balled) tree
Here are some ideas from http://pickyourownchristmastree.org.
- Keep the tree in a shaded area or a unheated garage until it is brought inside.
- Keep the soil in the ball or pot moist until well after it is transplanted after Christmas. A frozen ball need not be watered if the crown is shaded and protected.
- Lift and carry the tree by the ball or pot, not the top.
- Keep the tree in the house no longer than about one week.
- If possible, keep room that the tree is in cool (to help prevent it from starting to bud out).
- Have the tree's planting hole dug before the soil freezes and keep the fill dirt thawed. The hole should be 4 times the size of the root ball. If the dirt was heavy clay or poor sand, be sure to improve it with amendments (manure, grass clippings, ground leaves, compost, etc.) Evergreens like an acid soil, so don't add lime.
- Remove packing paper, sawdust and binding materials when planting the tree. Stake the tree for its first year, if possible.

The following are some entries from our current contest.

Here is the proposed 2010/2011 agenda for FOEC meetings.
- Nov 2 - Diane Bickett, Director of Solid Waste District
- Dec 7 - Holiday Party
- Jan 4 - Alliance for the Great Lakes (Kristy Meyer for Fresh Water Futures)
- Feb 1 - Food Inc. film
- March 1 - Gas Well presentation
- April 5 - Tom Meyer, URS, on Lower Euclid Creek plan
- May 3 - Tour of Cuyahoga River (Thompson township to channel)

This is another entry from our current photo contest.

Nov. 17, 2010 -Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Steve Albro, Barb Holtz, Ken, Carolyn, Judy Dearden, Jeanette, Rick, Gary Bloom, Fran, Larry, Frank attended.
- Highland Heights task force - Judy Dearden explained about the formation of a Highland Heights green task force. We discussed how FOEC can help.
- SECLC tie in - Barb Holtz discussed planning to work a SECLC process into general FOEC meetings.
- Upcoming meetings - We are to review in the near future the program schedule for the next 6 months.
- 2011 goals - We talked about goal setting for 2011 and reviewed the FOEC mission.
- Teasurer issues - Ken provided a report and discussed filing of 990-N with IRS, bylaws, membership dues, and setting up an audit committee with Larry volunteering to work in this audit committee. Fiscal year is to begin July 1 and end on June 30.
- Check signing - We discussed signing on the NEORSD grant of $35,000. FOEC received a check for $1300+ from Whole Foods. Ken is sending the check to South Euclid for rain gardens.
- December steering committee meeting - We discussed having no steering committee meeting on December 15, so we plan our next steering committee meeting to be in January, 2011.
- City Club meeting - We discussed the City Club meeting where Brian Zimmerman of Metroparks was the speaker. We plan to send Brian an invitation to our upcoming holiday party.
- Sewer District rate update - Sewer District is tripling the sanitary sewer rate in the next 20 years. Press releases and letters to the editor from our organization were discussed. Ken volunteered to provide a draft. Barb suggested a letter writing meeting.
- Holiday party - City officials are to get invitations. Same musicians are to come as last year. We discussed that FOEC could provide some of the dishes.
- Archiving issues - We discussed items to archive.
- Bishop Road/Highland Heights update - Ken updated on the Bishop Road property and recent Highland Heights council meeting.
For an article about a Euclid watershed conservation easement in Highland Heights and update on gas well drilling, see: