If you have anything to announce, please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net. The photo is from the Bioswale Cleanup at Wildwood Park and Marina held in May, 2010. Some items covered in this issue:
* July 6 picnic is coming up
* June 1 meeting recap
* June 4 Music of Nature and Nature of Music performance and lecture
* July 17 event at Euclid Beach
Congratulations to FOEC member Steve Albro about the Plain Dealer article about Steve's wonderful work at the Cleveland Sight Center (http://topics.cleveland.com/tag/steve%20albro/index.html).
Thank you to everyone who took fliers to distribute for the photography contest.
June 1 Meeting Recap
Our Tuesday, June 1 at 7:00 p.m. included a a presentation by Derek Schafer. Mr. Schafer is with the West Creek Land Trust Initiative.
Mr. Schafer is also the Conservation Project Manager for The West Creek Preservation Committee (http://www.westcreek.org/wcpc.html).
Jason Husher talked about urban farming. He has obtained grant money and taken vacant residential property in Cleveland and made it into an urban farm. http://www.localfoodcleveland.org/ has some related information.
Stephen Love talked about an Adopt A Beach program and July 17 event at Euclid Beach.
Save July 6 for our FOEC Picnic
Please plan to attend the FOEC picnic this Tuesday July 6th. Come as early as 5:30. There will be plenty of food and refreshments, and some games. It is a potluck gathering, so bring along a small something to share. From 6:00 to 7:00 we’ll eat and then at 7:00 we’ll have a short monthly meeting. One of our meeting items will be the election of new officers.
The picnic will be in Euclid Creek Park at the Rear Quarry Reserved Picnic Area and Shelter House. From the Euclid Creek parkway road (across from the Ranger office) turn east and proceed down the hill on the Rear Quarry access road. Follow it through the gate and to the end and the shelter house.
Music of Nature and the Nature of Music
The Folk / Bluegrass band 'Timberwolves' with FOEC member Larry McFadden will be performing prior to the lecture The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music - http://www.cmnh.org/site/ClassesandPrograms/Lectures/ExplorerSeries.aspx - the Cleveland Museum of Natural History site gives more details -this Friday from 5:30 pm to 7:30pm - Fri, Jun 4, 2010, 7:30 pm Dr. Patricia Gray, Clinical Professor and Senior Research Scientist of BioMusic Part of the Explorer Series of Lectures
If we rely on artifacts alone, the evolutionary trail of music can take us back just 50,000 years. But there are other ways to study the roots of music-making and musical structures. By looking at other species and their abilities to perceive and manipulate patterns of sound and time, we may advance our understanding.
Dr. Patricia Gray of the Music Research Institute at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro will discuss the deeper roots of human musicality. This program is in conjunction with the current exhibit Wild Music: The Sounds and Songs of Life. To purchase tickets for this lecture, please call (216) 231-4600, ext. 0, to speak with a Museum Operator. Or purchase your tickets at the front desk prior to the presentation.
July 17 Euclid Beach Event
July 17th the Euclid Beach Adopt-a-Beach team and Arts Collinwood are going to be having an all day event at Euclid Beach! (http://www.majesticmoinedmogul.com/adoptsignup/Form.php?id=52&visitdate=1) Please let jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net know if you can help at this event to represent FOEC.
Black-eyed susans are a great native and non-invasive choice.