If you have content for this update, please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net.
Some of the items covered in this update include:
* September meeting recap
* Mary K. Evans named Person of the Week
* Lyndhurst Home Days volunteers needed
* Upcoming events and 2009 wetland tours update
* Thanks for a great summer picnic
September meeting recap
Bob Gardin is chairman of the Friends of Big Creek. He explained at our September meeting about the challenges and opportunities we share with another urbanized Cleveland area watershed organization.
He provided a brief history of conditions and earlier planning for Big Creek that led to the formation of their group. He also described plans undertaken since then.
The group recently completed the Big Creek Greenway Plan. The Big Creek Watershed Balanced Growth Management Plan is currently nearing completion.
Bob Gardin is chairman of the Friends of Big Creek. He explained at our September meeting about the challenges and opportunities we share with another urbanized Cleveland area watershed organization.
He provided a brief history of conditions and earlier planning for Big Creek that led to the formation of their group. He also described plans undertaken since then.
The group recently completed the Big Creek Greenway Plan. The Big Creek Watershed Balanced Growth Management Plan is currently nearing completion.

At our September meeting we voted unanimously to accept Frank Skala as our incoming Vice President and all those running for Board of Directors positions.
We still have a call for the Secretary position. Please feel free to contact Fran Hogg or Ginny Aveni to nominate someone or volunteer.
Congratulations again to Frank and the new Board of Directors members who include Steve Albro, Larry McFadden, Kathy Schaefer, Carolyn Sugiuchi, and Lou Drasler.
Congratulations to FOEC member Mary K Evans
The Sun Messenger honored her as Person of the Week.
Check out the great article and picture in the Thursday, Sept. 3, Sun Messenger, page B3.
Upcoming events and 2009 wetland tours update
* Tuesday Sept. 29 - 6PM - hiking outing at Mayfield Country Club
Meet in the parking lot. Plan to arrive early!
1545 Sheridan Road
off Mayfield Road, across from the S. Euclid-Lyndhurst Library

You won't want to miss this rare opportunity to explore the Euclid Creek.
* Tuesday, October 6 - 7PM
Next regular monthly meeting
South Euclid Community Center
Speaker is from Dike 14 Preservation Committee.
Wetland tours begin at 6:30 PM.
Lyndhurst Home Days volunteers needed
FOEC will have a booth at Lyndhurst Home Days. We need volunteers to staff the booth.
Please find a slot to cover three or four hours and schedule with Larry McFadden at 216 531 7144.
This is a fun activity. In talking to people who come up to the booth, you will see the appreciation there is for the work that FOEC does.
Lyndhurst Home Days kicks off Friday, September 11th, at 6:00 p.m. in Lyndhurst Park - behind Lyndhurst City Hall at 5301 Mayfield Road.
Greenwood Farm activities continue
Please contact Frank Skala concerning ongoing volunteer activities at the Richmond Heights location.
Volunteers Wanted - Sat. 9/26, 9AM to 12PM
Thank you to all you helped with planning and setting up the FOEC summer picnic on July 7 at the beautiful Rear Quarry Shelter House reservable picnic area.
A special thank you goes out to Barb Holtz for getting us access to that special picnic area.
Call for volunteers for creek sampling
We still have a call for the Secretary position. Please feel free to contact Fran Hogg or Ginny Aveni to nominate someone or volunteer.
Congratulations again to Frank and the new Board of Directors members who include Steve Albro, Larry McFadden, Kathy Schaefer, Carolyn Sugiuchi, and Lou Drasler.
Congratulations to FOEC member Mary K Evans
The Sun Messenger honored her as Person of the Week.
Check out the great article and picture in the Thursday, Sept. 3, Sun Messenger, page B3.
Upcoming events and 2009 wetland tours update
* Tuesday Sept. 29 - 6PM - hiking outing at Mayfield Country Club
Meet in the parking lot. Plan to arrive early!
1545 Sheridan Road
off Mayfield Road, across from the S. Euclid-Lyndhurst Library

You won't want to miss this rare opportunity to explore the Euclid Creek.
* Tuesday, October 6 - 7PM
Next regular monthly meeting
South Euclid Community Center
Speaker is from Dike 14 Preservation Committee.

- Thursday, Sept. 10 - Brooklyn Oxbow area
- Monday, Sept. 14 - Tinkers Creek Headwaters high-quality wetland and vernal pools
- Tuesday, Sept. 22 - Cleveland Metroparks Vernal Pool Enhancement Project
Lyndhurst Home Days volunteers needed

Please find a slot to cover three or four hours and schedule with Larry McFadden at 216 531 7144.
This is a fun activity. In talking to people who come up to the booth, you will see the appreciation there is for the work that FOEC does.
Lyndhurst Home Days kicks off Friday, September 11th, at 6:00 p.m. in Lyndhurst Park - behind Lyndhurst City Hall at 5301 Mayfield Road.
Greenwood Farm activities continue

Volunteers Wanted - Sat. 9/26, 9AM to 12PM
Grounds Clean-up- Cutting Hedges
GREENWOOD FARM - main house and caretaker cottage
264 Richmond Road
Bring the following:
- Safety gear and safety glasses
- Brush cutting tools
- Heavy duty gloves and work shoes are a must
- Hiking boots if you want to take a short hike in the area
For more information contact David H. Roche at 216-291-2207 or davidroche@roadrunner.com.
October 4 - all Friends of Euclid Creek members are invited to enjoy the grounds and entertainment for the Family Fun Fest at Greenwood Farm.The Greenwood Farm Historical, Cultural, and Arts Association, Inc., represents a group dedicated to preservation of the farm and enhancing the use of the property by promoting and strengthening the diverse environmental assets of the community. David Roche (in the picture) acts as President of the group. See more at http://www.richmondheightsohio.org/GreenwoodFarm.php.
Thank you to all you helped with planning and setting up the FOEC summer picnic on July 7 at the beautiful Rear Quarry Shelter House reservable picnic area.
A special thank you goes out to Barb Holtz for getting us access to that special picnic area.

Call for volunteers for creek sampling
Let Claire Posius know if you can help with creek sampling.
* Find out what is in the creek through the use of monitoring kits and meters.
* Get data sheets, monitoring kits, and training.
* Include reporting on acquatic bug observations.
Call Claire at 216 524 6580 x16 to volunteer.