If you have content for this update, please let me know at jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net.
Some of the items covered in this update include:
* May 5 meeting recap
* Plant pull event reminder
* Greenwood Farm events
* Upcoming meetings and outings
* Member update on Sara (Sally) Richardson
May 5 meeting recap
The Tuesday, May 5 evening meeting was at the South Euclid Community Center at 1370 Victory Drive, South Euclid, OH 44121.
Naturalist Barb Holtz discussed invasive plants including their identification and removal. For related information, Barb noted that the Ohio Invasive Plants Council (http://www.oipc.info/) is a good source of information. She encouraged the use of native plants instead of invasive non-native plants and explained why native plant use is better for the environment.
Claire Posius, representative of the Euclid Creek Watershed Council, reported on the following.
* On June 6, the South Euclid rain barrel event will be held.
* The Environmental Awareness Survey (sponsored by the FOEC) could use more responses from residents of Highland Heights and Richmond Heights.
* On May 9, the Euclid Creek invasive plant pull event will take place.
* If anyone from FOEC is available to speak at community events on subjects related to the work of FOEC, please let Claire know. She is not able to keep up with the requests for speakers.
Other business discussed at the meeting includes.
* The regular July meeting - the first Tuesday in July - will include a picnic at an outdoor location with details to be announced.
* The regular August meeting will be canceled.
Plant pull event reminder
* Saturday, May 9 - Euclid Creek Invasive Plant Pull Event - 10am to noon - volunteers are needed to remove invasive garlic mustard. Be sure to let Claire Posius know if you can help prepare garlic mustard snacks to be provided at the end of the event. Reach Claire Posius, Euclid Creek Watershed Coordinator, at cposius@cuyahogaswcd.org or 216-524-6580 x 16 for more information. See www.cuyahogaswcd.org and click Watershed Programs and Euclid Creek for more details.
Greenwood Farm events
FOEC sponsored hiking - in the ravine and falls area - and clean-up events in April at Greenwood Farm. Please contact Frank Skala about another one of these events in May. Some interesting notes for wikipedia.com's entry for Greenwood Farm:
* It is composed of 17 acres of green trees, open grass, a barn, and a three-story brick house built in 1917.
* Deer and raccoon frequently emerge from the creek that runs through the property.
* The city of Richmond Heights now owns Greenwood Farm and is considering making the home a theater that could be a regional draw for the arts, such as the Fine Arts Center in Willoughby, Ohio.
FOEC plans to have Greenwood Farm eventually be the home of the FOEC organization. Greenwood Farm is at 264 Richmond Road. David H. Roche is Chairman, Greenwood Farm Historical, Cultural, & Arts Association. Reach him at davidroche@roadrunner.com.
Member update on Sara (Sally) Richardson
Let's send our best wishes for a quick recovery for Sara (Sally) Richardson.
How about a card, phone call, or visit?
She is getting therapy now and hopes to be home soon.
Grande Point Healthcare (216-261-9600)
3 Merit Drive
Richmond Heights
Room 108 (216-797-7471)
For more details, please contact Frank Skala (fskala@ameritech.net) or Barb Pophal.
Upcoming meetings and outings
Regular monthly meetings are normally held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the South Euclid Community Center at 1370 Victory Drive, South Euclid, OH 44121.
* June meeting is to include FOEC member Athey Lutz and a talk on natural stream design and latest ideas on restoring streams and rebuilding macroinvertabrate and fish habitat.
* There will be nominations to fill open positions of vice president, secretary, and three positions on the board of directors. Please call Fran Hogg 440 449 6119, Ginny Aveni 216-381-8433, or Frank Skala 440 473 3484 by Sunday, May 31 for more information.
Upcoming Outings include:
* May 9
Invasive Plant Pull
Meet at Wildwood State Park 16975 Wildwood Dive off Lakeshore Boulevard at 10:00.
Bring garden or work gloves and drinking water.
Try a garlic mustard snack after the pull.
* May 16
Dike 14
Parking at Gordon State Park, from North Marginal between East 72nd and MLK.
Guided hikes and bird walks at 7:30 - 8:30 - 9:30 - 10:30.
Self guided tours from noon to 3:00 staffed by environmental education organizations.
* May 30
Edgewater Park Clean Up Event.
Sponsored by Northeast Ohio Sierra Club - their 7th annual event.
Meet at 9AM in the pavilion for a pancake breakfast.
Bring work gloves if you have them.
Clean up is from 10 to noon.
For more details contact Frank Skala or Paulette Peluso.
* June 13
VFW nature tour.
VFW located on White Road at 11:00.
We will be guided by one of our own FOEC members.
* July
Date to be announced
Tour of the TRW site on Richmond Road.
Please let me know if you have pictures for this newsletter. These show the dusty goldenrod meadow including a close-up of a yellow butterfly.

Dusty goldenrod (Solidag/Puberula) is found in Highland Heights, Ohio, the only known location in Ohio. This location is part of approximately 3.93 acres of land that is a meadow containing an unusual diversity of vascular plants (400+), which are rare and/endangered in Ohio or Cuyahoga County, with dusty goldenrod being the most notable.
The meadow with the dusty goldenrod is part of an area of land that is environmentally sensitive. The land is a mix of wooded swamp, wet meadow, and wet forest and contains several streams that are the headwaters of the East Branch of the Euclid Creek.