Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 2009 Update

Welcome to the March 2009 update

Some of the items covered in this update include:

* March 3, 2009, meeting covers community issues
* For more information about Friends of Euclid Creek
* Call for contributors for FOEC News
* Upcoming events to include Rain Barrel Workshop, cafe night
* Call for volunteers

March 3 Meeting Covers Community Issues

The March 3 meeting was held at the South Euclid Community Center. President Fran Hogg covered FOEC business. She then distributed maps for the cities in the Euclid Creek watershed area.

Attendees looked at the map that represents the city where they live. We then discussed possible projects for each city. Here is a listing of some of the cities represented.

Cleveland Heights
Highland Heights
Mayfield Heights
Mayfield Village
Richmond Heights
South Euclid

For more information about Friends of Euclid Creek

For more information and great pictures, please visit our website at: www.FriendsofEuclidCreek.org

The regular monthly meetings are normally held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the South Euclid Community Center at 1370 Victory Drive, South Euclid, OH 44121.

Victory Drive runs north off Mayfield Road, next to Giant Eagle. Meetings are free and open to the public.

Friends of Euclid Creek is a group dedicated to promoting the social welfare through the preservation and protection of Euclid Creek and its associated riparian areas.

If you would like to join the mailing list, please let fskala@ameritech.net know of your interest. If you would like to become a member of Friends of Euclid Creek, you can do so at our website: www.FriendsofEuclidCreek.org.

Please explore more Euclid Creek information and many great pictures at other related sites:

1. Euclid Creek Watershed Planning Guide:


2. Bird Survey of Euclid Creek, by member Anna (Kozlenko) Julnes:


3. Euclid Creek Watershed Bird Survey, Kirtland Bird Club:


4. Soil and Water Conservation District stories on Euclid Creek and the meadow:


Call for co-editors and contributors for FOEC News

To contribute to this update, please contact jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net. We are always looking for your input.

Upcoming Events

The regular monthly meetings are normally held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the South Euclid Community Center at 1370 Victory Drive, South Euclid, OH 44121.

Euclid Creek Rain Barrel Workshop is to be March 28, 2009 10AM to 11:30AM. Location is the Euclid Historical Society. To register call 216 524 6580 x18, the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District. Euclid Historical Society is across from the fire station, 21129 North Street, off Chardon Road.

Euclid's spring rain barrel sale is to be Saturday, March 28, 2009. For details contact Mary Joe Minarik, Euclid Ward 4 Councilwoman, 216 486 9513.

FOEC night is to be Saturday, March 14, 7:30PM to 9:30PM at the Phoenix Cafe, South Euclid, 4441 Mayfield Road, with Timber Wolves acoustic folk/blues.

Call for volunteers

We are looking for volunteers for several positions. Please contact jeanette.evans@sbcglobal.net if you are interested in helping. Some possible areas include:

Membership chair
Lobbyist chair
Guest speaker coordinator
Grants chair
Events scheduler
Discussion group coordinator
Media release coordinator
Sergeant at arms

February 2009 Update

Welcome to the February 2009 update

Some of the items covered in this update include:

* February 3, 2009, meeting to cover wetlands restoration
* January 6, 2009 meeting request

February 3 Meeting Covers Wetlands Restoration

Please plan on attending our regular monthly meeting at 7:00 on Tuesday, Feb. 3 at the South Euclid Community Center. Our guest speaker will address Wetlands Restoration. We will also be talking about important new projects and member roles.

January 6 Meeting Request

At our recent meeting on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, we were requested to take on a homework assignment of finding a special place of the Euclid Creek Watershed that would make a good field trip for our club. That is our first assignment.

We also went around the room and each of us had a chance to say what our interests are regarding the Friends of Euclid Creek organization. Below is the list, in order as we spoke, of what we said we would like to be involved in or see happen. As a second assignment for the next meeting (Tuesday February 3rd), let's think about how we can take the items on this list and increase our role as an organization, or make the items happen, starting with small action steps.

List of FOEC Member Interests

1) Land conservation.

2) Bird habitat.

3) Environmental science.

4) Creating new green areas.

5) General health of the environment.

6) Removing the dam to restore creek life.

7) Open up new areas of the watershed to the public.

8) Stewardship of the environment is an important duty.

9) Birding. Habitat restoration.

10) Increasing awareness of environmental issues by younger generation.

11) Protecting green space property – VFW grounds ( White Rd ), Greenwood Farm ( Richmond Rd. ).

12) Keep the green spaces alive.

13) Water testing programs, recording water quality.

14) Enjoying birds and wildlife in our back yards.

15) Keeping wildlife habitat protected for grandchildren to enjoy.

16) Public need to know that flooded basements happen when wetlands are paved over.

17) Marking sewer grates, helping kids be aware of watershed.

18) Knowing the role of feeder creeks.

19) Conservation and restoration.

20) Preventing degradation of the woodlands.

21) Enjoying seeing wild turkeys.

22) Gaining support for more protection of land.

23) Would like to see tougher state laws restricting development of farm land.

24) Would like changes to today’s wetland mitigation laws.

25) Purchasing urban land for conservation.

26) Expecting elected officials to protect green space.

27) Protecting Liberty Trail green space.

28) Expand the potential of our organization.

29) Have assigned individuals be watchdogs of gren space and watershed opportunities in their communities.

30) Increase our voice in city governments.

31) Leaving a legacy of a protected environment.

32) Preservation of nature.

33) Improving the health of the ecosystem.

34) Making contribution to the environment.

35) Documenting the history of the area and educating the public.

36) In a broader sense, getting people to understand we’re all connected through our water system, now and since the beginning of time.

37) Interacting with environmental firms.

38) Educating ourselves.

39) Raising awareness and getting people to buy into preservation.

40) Influencing legislators and legislation that protects green space and clean water.

41) Acquiring 12 acre tract of wetlands and woods presently for sale.

42) Would like to see stronger environmental laws.